Dreadfiend of Nulgath (Monster)

Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 6,810
- Shadow Punch: 126-154
- Slash: 126-154
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dage Trophy
- Darkness Core (Dropped during the 'Legion Exercise Number 3' quest)
- Dreadfiend Blade (Dropped during the 'Checking Out the Competition' quest)
- Dreadfiend Disciplined (Dropped during the 'Those Who Don't Learn...' quest)
- Dreadfiend Gone (Dropped during the 'Returning to Oblivion' quest)
- Dread Head (Dropped during the 'Dreadfiend Destruction (Legion)' quest)
- Fiend Felled (Dropped during the 'Infernal Legion Betrayal' quest)
- Soul Shard (Dropped during the 'Pay Homage to Caladbolg' quest)
- Soul Shard (Dropped during the 'Souls To Feed On' quest)
- Soul Shard (Dropped during the 'Souls to Steal' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Blade of Pain
- Dage's Approval
- Dage's Favor
- Grim Dragon's Dagger
- Infernal Flame Wings (1)
- Infernal Grim Stalker
- Infernal Grin
- Treasure Chest (Misc)

Thanks to GENGSTUPID, Malak93, Rezurrect, Renz9000, and Valoroth.
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