Drakor's Quests

Jump to: Dragonhame, Dragons' Heart, Dragonhame Rep Quests, Draco Con

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From:


  • These quests can only be completed once.
  • All quests can be accessed through Drakor in Dragonhame.
  • Only the following quests can also be accessed through Galanoth (NPC):
    • 'Recover samples in Lair'.
    • 'Darkness to Calm Dragons'.
    • 'Quest for the Red Dragon's Scroll'.
  • Only the 'Kill Dracolich in Temple' quest can also be accessed through Artix (NPC) in Temple of the Light.
  • Only the following quests can be also be accessed through Warlic in Dragonhame, Ruins of Great Gilead, and Battle Under:
    • 'Research in Gilead'.
    • 'Fire and Ice in Battleundera'.
    • 'Unlife's a Lich'.
  • Only the 'Dragonhame Infirmary Invasion' and 'Elemental Dracolich Destuction' quests can also be accessed in Infirmary.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Bring Amulet to Drakor' quest.

If Hs'Sakar trusts you, then I'm willing to give you a chance to prove your loyalty to Dragonhame. The undead of Shadowfall have noticed our weakness, and are trying to take advantage of the situation by attempting to claim our land for themselves. Take them out, and then we'll talk more.

Items Required:


Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Dragons' Heart
Quests Begun From: Drakor
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Dragonplane in Peril' quest.

If you're going to contain the infection in the Dragon Plane, you'll need to isolate the areas. Place Warlic's wards in all four elemental areas, and at the center of the Realm.

Items Required:

  • Ward Place x5
    • Click on blue arrows around the map


Thanks to Apus and Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: Dragonhame
Quests Begun From: Drakor
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Heart-searing Pain' quest in order to access these quests (see above).
Note: These quests can only be completed once per day.


Now that Desolich's connection has been severed, there will not be anymore Elemental Dracoliches. Slay 13 of them while they are still here; we should not miss this opportunity to collect research materials for Warlic!

Items Required:


Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Draco Con
Quests Begun From: Drakor

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Bling, Baby, Bling' quest.

Mmmph. Good timing. I needed an assistant instructor to show these bonebrats what's what. Take out 6 of the DragonSlayer Dummies to show them what it means to HIT and hit HARD.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Tris.

Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!

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