Unidentified 21 (Dragonbone Axe)
Price: N/A
- Reward from the following quests:
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Crag & Bamboozle)
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Drudgen the Assistant)
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Enchanted Nulgath Nation House)
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Nulgath (NPC))
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Swindle Bilk)
- 'Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance' (Swindle Bilk's To Go Hut)
- 'The Assistant' (Crag & Bamboozle)
- 'The Assistant' (Drudgen the Assistant)
- 'The Assistant' (Swindle Bilk)
- 'The Assistant' (Swindle Bilk's To Go Hut)
Sellback: 25 Gold
Rarity: Weird Rarity
Base Damage: 27-33
Description: Nulgath slayed a dragon and crafted this sword form it's very bones. Congratulations on winning the "Dragonbone Axe"!
- Used in the 'Combat Style: Dragonbone Axe' quest.
- Inscription on the scrolls translates to "MILTONIUS".
Thanks to ImpureDeath.