Dragon Phantasm
Location: Seventh Limited Qty Shop - Battleon
Price: 500 AC
- First 24 Hours: 450 AC
- After 24 Hours: 125 AC
Rarity: Rare Rarity
Description: People admire the dragons for their cunning, power and strength. Few see one and live. Fewer still communicate with a Dragon's color-changing spirit. Only the chosen are allowed accompaniment of said spirit. Are you one of those?
- Body of the dragon, Tail, Legs and Wings are Color Custom to Base Color.
- Dragon's eyes are Color Custom to Eye Color.
- Fins, Spines, Teeth and Underside of wings are Color Custom to Trim Color.
- Only 8,000 of this item were available.
- Also see:
Thanks to Eldant and Haileym1.