Doomwood Treeant
- Level 10 (Version 1)
- Level 10 (Version 2)
- Level 10 (Version 3)
- Level 10 (Version 4)
- Level 10 (Version 5)
- Level 40
Level: 10
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 990
- Headbutt: 16-20
- Slash: 16-20
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bark Patch (Dropped during the 'Hole'y Armor Patching' quest)
- Cerise Flower (Dropped during the 'Dyeing for a Challenge' quest)
- Doom Wood (Dropped during the 'Elves of the OverSoul' quest)
- DoomWood Creature Trophies (Dropped during the 'LightGuard Defender Tokens' quest)
- Doomwood Tree sap (Dropped during the 'Yulgar's Daily Hero Challenge' quest)
- DoomWood Treeant Hard Wood (Dropped during the 'Un-Fortune-Ate Fountain' quest)
- Fruit (Dropped during the 'Beefing Up Conn' quest)
- Leaves (Dropped during the 'Moving Golden Egg' quest)
- Lightguard Ration (Dropped during the 'Plant Food' quest)
- Medal of Heroism (Dropped during the 'Studying the Legendary Hero' quest)
- Paladaffodil (Dropped during the 'Metal Enchantment' quests)
- Raw Essence of the Undead (Dropped during the 'One Holy Discovery' quest)
- Solidified Shadow (Dropped during the 'Darkness Bleeds in Doomwood' quest)
- Treant Sap (Dropped during the 'Light Yogurt Ingredients' quest)
- Treant Trunk Toppled (Dropped during the 'Dead-forestation' quest)
- Wood (Dropped during the 'Secretteller's Building Materials' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Dage's 3rd Note (Dropped during the 'Dage's Black Box' quest)
- Dark Crown Axe
- Shoelace of a Fallen Paladin (Dropped during the 'For Those Who Have Fallen' and 'Upgrade the Blinding Light of Destiny' quests)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Also see List of all Treeants.
Thanks to boomboompowboyz, Gengstupid, L0re, Mopar, PkerSlayer, Rickyb20, Rsrdaman, Tendou no Mazo and .Shadow//.
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