Doomwood Soldier

Location: Doom Pally
Level: 15
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,220
- Smash: 27-33
- Stab: 27-33
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Cursed Skulls (Dropped during the 'A (Skele)TON of skulls' quest)
- Doomwood Invaders Fought (Dropped during the 'Recalibration' quest)
- Doomwood Soldier Slain (Dropped during the 'SLAY some MORE UNDEAD!!' quest)
- Folded Note (Dropped during the 'Slay BIGGER!!' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Has many different forms.
- Also see:

Thanks to famian, Gengstupid, Haileym1, OmfgRly, Rich Wind and rickyb20.
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