Doom War (Location)
Town-Level 0 to 60
- Angry Zombie (Level 39) x1
- Bronze Dracozombie x2
- Cyzerombie x2
- Dark Dracozombie (Level 15) x1
- Dark Dracozombie (Level 39) x2
- Zombie (1) (Level 39) x15
- Zombie Alina x2
- Zombie Dragon (Level 39) x2
- Zombie Galanoth x2
- Zombie King Alteon x1
- Zombie Knight (Level 39) x7
- Zombie Warlic x2
- Zhoombie x2
Map Name: doomwar
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join doomwar
- Button in Doom Haven
- Sepulchure (Location) - 'Back to War' button from Artix (NPC)
- Yulgar Zombie - North of Screen 1
- Zombies Map
- Lair Screen 2 was unlocked when the War Meter reached 10%.
- Mythsong was unlocked when the War Meter reached 20%.
- Mythsong Screen 2 was unlocked when the War Meter reached 30%.
- Arcangrove was unlocked when the War Meter reached 40%.
- Arcangrove Screen 2 was unlocked when the War Meter reached 50%.
- Willowshire was unlocked when the War Meter reached 60%.
- Willowshire Screen 2 was unlocked when the War Meter reached 70%.
- ??? (Battleon) was unlocked when the War Meter reached 80%.
- Also see Doom War.
'What should I do?' button
Galanoth has fallen to the zombie fog! The DragonSlayer is not trying to slay the dragons… he is trying to BITE them! I never thought this would happen… but I need to DEFEND the dragons from Galanoth! AND slay the dragons that have already been zombified!
Thanks to Dementor Lord, EPC-Bobakrome, HunterCurtis, ingomarelementary, Jont2, L0re, ShadowWhisperer, Syudanco and Young n Free.
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