Before completing Domi Coldsteel's Quests:
Weaponsmith, Owner of The "Unbroken Sword"
Have you really agreed to help us? With all that has happened it's just hard to believe we've had a turn of luck in our favor for once.
- Domi Coldsteel's QuestsTalk
Before the dwarves were enslaved, Hartok and I shared this forge in the marking making weapons and armors side by side, spitting insults at each other and laughing. I miss those time and our people need those items. I hope you can help us.

After completing Domi Coldsteel's Quests:
Weaponsmith, Owner of The "Unbroken Sword"
The forge is blazing and soon the halls of this market will ring with my hammer falls as I craft fine dwarven weapons for my people. It's all thanks to you. Talk to Hartok next. Now that the forge is hot, he'll want to start crafting armors and helms as soon as he can.

After completing Hartok Darksoil's Quests:
Weaponsmith, Owner of The "Unbroken Sword"
Thanks for helping Hartok. It's good to share my forge with him again. Nathrae the drow hair stylist will need your help now. We dwarves may not have much but we have our pride and our beards and she's the only person we trust with our facial hair.

After completing Nathrae's Quests:
Weaponsmith, Owner of The "Unbroken Sword"
The Dwarven Market is OPEN for business! People have already begun to trickle in and browse our wares and you should see the way their faces light up! It may not seem like much but this was a huge victory against Chaos. You're a real hero.

Location: Dwarfhold Keep

Thanks to Rezurrect.
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