Djinn Guardians
Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Do you have what it takes to pass the Trial of the Guardians?
- Air Spirit x6
- Earth Spirit x6
- Ethereal Harpy (Level 30) x6
- Fire Spirit (2) x6
- Flaming Harpy (Level 30) x6
- Fluvial Lamia x6
- Image of Crulon x1
- Jaan al Ard x1
- Jaan al Bahar x1
- Jaan al Hawa x1
- Jaan al Nair x1
- Loamy Lamia x6
- Water Spirit x6
Map Name: djinnguard
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join djinnguard
- Crulon's Wedding (Location) - West of Screen 1
- Djinn Gate
- Go through the left portal in Screen 1
- 'Continue the Adventure' button from Crulon
- Event Hub - 'Guardians' button from Crulon
- Sandsea Map
Thanks to Satan clone 2.
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