Disciple of Envy

Location: Envy (Location) (1)
Level: 20
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,060
- Slash: 63-77
- Stab: 63-77
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Sycophant Blade (Dropped during the 'Higher Up the Totem Pole' quest)
- Sycophant Chestplate (Dropped during the 'Higher Up the Totem Pole' quest)
- Sycophant Helm (Dropped during the 'Higher Up the Totem Pole' quest)
- Sycophant Leggings (Dropped during the 'Higher Up the Totem Pole' quest)
Items Dropped:
Note: Also see Legion Minion.

Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
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