«Scene: Arch Portal. Nulgath speaking through the portal with Dirtlicker»
Nulgath: Dirtlicker! The time is almost upon us! The dimensional planes of Lore and the Oversoul are re-aligning!
Nulgath: You must establish the portal, forever linking the two dimensions, allowing my return to Lore!
Dirtlicker: I understand, Master.
Nulgath: Do you? Do you remember what happened to the last minion of mine that failed to establish this very link?!
Dirtlicker: I… do, Master. Though I try not to think about it…
Nulgath: Well keep it in mind now, so that *you* don't fail me! To ensure the portal is created, retrieve <Hero> for assistance.
Dirtlicker: But what if he refuses to help?
Nulgath: Do not question me, Servant! He won't…
«Scene changes to Hero, in some forest, when Dirtlicker grabs him from behind»
Dirtlicker: You, you're coming with me!
«Dirtlicker takes Hero away into another part of the forest»
Hero: Hey! I was doing something important!
Dirtlicker: Not as important as this. You see, very rarely does this opportunity arise.
Hero: Who are you?!
Dirtlicker: I am Commander Dirtlicker.
Hero: Your name is… Dirtlicker…? Hahahaha!
Dirtlicker: Do not laugh, Hero! This is a title of honor!
Dirtlicker: Master Nulgath gave me this name himself! Before my name was Dominatron the Awesome, but then my Master gave me the title worthy of a king!
Hero: … Hahaha!
Dirtlicker: Are you done?
Hero: Yes… Ha…
Dirtlicker: *sigh* As I was saying, I am in charge of Master Nulgath's troops here in Lore and right now, I need your assistance.
Dirtlicker: Good. Now, very rarely, two dimensions will begin to drift towards each other.
Dirtlicker: When this happens, a link can be formed between the two, forever allowing objects to move between the two dimensions.
Dirtlicker: As we speak, the dimensions of Lore and the Oversoul are drifting closer and closer.
Dirtlicker: My Master wants us to establish a portal between the two, allowing him and his newly created army to return here on Lore.
Dirtlicker: Now that you have been informed, we must make a portal to the Nation Stronghold where we will build this link.
Dirtlicker: This will be my test to you, in order to see if you are capable of seeing this task through.
Hero: Alright! Let's get started!
«Scene fades»
Next: Enter the Stronghold