Dilligas (Monster)

Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 19,320
- Blade Throw: 225-274
- Triple Slash: 225-274
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Chain Pair (Dropped during the 'Chain Reaction' quest)
- Dilligas Demoted (Dropped during the 'Those Who Don't Learn...' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Basic Claymore of Pain
- Dage's Approval
- Dage's Favor
- Enraged Clue
- Great Claymore of Pain
- Head Splitting Daggers
- Oversoul Black Dragon Battlepet
- Oversoul Black Dragon Pet
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- This monster was unlocked during Part III when Dage's Side of the war reached 100%.
- Previously called "Dilligaf".
- Also see:
Thanks to Gray Fox68 and Rezurrect.
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