- That (Location) - Plays after completing the 'Tap the Flame' quest
«Scene: Chilly in Mystcroft Forest with a jar of flame»
Chilly: One tuft of moon-buwnt mogwinster fur.
Chilly: This will help me get wid of our problem… for good!
«Twig literally slides onto the screen from the bottom right»
Twig: Whatcha doin'?
Chilly: Twig! Be caweful! You're too young to be out here alone.
Twig: Someone told me a boogeyman has been stealing little kids.
«Twig's head changes into Jingles' head»
Twig: Is that true?
«Jingles slides off-screen to the right and the camera pans left to the Hero»
Hero: Chilly! What's wrong?
Chilly: Did you see him? DID YOU SEE HIM? He was wight thewe!
Hero: Who was?
Chilly: THAT!
Hero: Chilly… there's no one here.
Chilly: But… I saw him…
Hero: Better take a break. This work is making you paranoid.
«Scene fades»
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