Desoloth Shall Triumph / Good Shall Triumph / Evil Shall Triumph
«Warlic and Galanoth in Air Storm»
Warlic: For all your claims of besting any dragon one-handed, balance should never be underrated. Not in life, and not in physiology.
Warlic: Let me find you another arm. I cannot re-create the original, but a replica of it…
Galanoth: I trust in Lore and in myself. If I am to have another arm, I will take it one-handed! Perhaps from a dragon?
Galanoth: That'd be a sight, eh? The dragon-armed DragonSlayer? Or perhaps something newfangled, mechanical.
Warlic: You've never been partial to copper and bolts, my friend.
Galanoth: I will do what I must with what I have. So will you. It's what we do.
Galanoth: If a new arm is to be mine, so be it. Until then, let my opponents underestimate me!
«Galanoth slashes at the air»
«Scene: the Hero in Fire Storm with Omom»
Hero: Little Omom, you know nothing of battle, do you? It's better that way, for you.
Hero: Sometimes I wonder what I would have done in a different life, a quiet life. No battles… no bloodshed.
«Omom hands Hero a fruit»
Hero: Thank you, little one. You should stay away from me, from all of us. Where we're going is no place for you.
«Omom nods and cheers»
Hero: The coming battle is no place for you! Ang'st will want to know you're safe. I do, too.
Hero: You have been a great help to us, Omom, but war is no place for innocent creatures.
«Scene: the Hero jumps up in surprise at the sight of X'dir»
X'dir: And YOU are hardly innocent, <Hero>. Am I wrong?
Hero: YOU!
«The Hero tosses the fruit at X'dir, but misses»
X'dir: Silence! Before you attack, young Hero, learn what it is I have come to offer you.
«Close up of X'dir»
X'dir: You are strong, wise. But most of all… human. My Master realizes your frailties, but also your strengths.
X'dir: He is prepared to overlook your shortcomings in favor of how you may be… useful… to him.
«Scene zooms back out»
X'dir: Think of it, <Hero>. Unimaginable wealth. Power over all of Lore. All you must do is bend knee to my Master.
X'dir: He does not want to fight you, nor extinguish the bright flame of your strength. Do not force his hand.
X'dir: Fight for him, and all will be well.
- Good: I chose a side long ago. I will not betray Good, or the people who depend on me.
- Evil: I chose a side long ago. I will not betray Evil, or the Empress with whom I have allied.
«The Hero spits at X'dir»
Hero: You are an insult to your ancesotrs, X'dir. The puppet of a betrayer of Dragons, a slayer of dreams.
«The Hero turns away from X'dir»
Hero: Leave, and take my words back to your Master. He will see me soon. Tell him to fear that hour.
«Scene: Hero, Warlic, Daganoth, and the Dragon Priests in Firestorm»
Hero: I've been approached by X'dir. Desoloth is running scared. Why else would he tempt me to betrayal?
Warlic: Do not underestimate that tainted Wyrm, <Hero>. He is drunk on elemental power.
Hs'Sakar: The Archmage is correct. Do not underestimate Desoloth, but do not devalue your confidence.
Hs'Sakar: You have done so much already. We stand ready to aid you in your fight on our behalf.
Hero: With your help, all of you, we will subdue and then imprison Desoloth. I trust you know of a place?
Ll'rillor: Yes, <Hero>. You have heard of the Cor Draconis, perhaps?
Galanoth: The… Heart of the Dragon? Yes, I know of it. I've never been. I would not be, I think, welcome there.
Hero: Tell me, Wise Ones. Would such a place even accept Desoloth?
Ang'st: To contain and redeem a fallen Dragon? Yes, I am sure of it.
Dr'Rader: Worry about that once you'be beaten him, Hero. We will take care of the rest.
Warlic: But hurry, my friend. Already I sense Chaos taking advantage of the anarchy here. The creatures of Etherstorm are being Chaorrupted.
Hs'Sakar: I would not be surprised if Desoloth is using even such as these. And worse… he has opened a gate to the DragonPlane.
Hs'Sakar: I am afraid the battle has bled over into the home of our Primes. But if we do not win… more than dragons will die.
«Scene fades»
- Desoloth: Hmmm… Wealth and power, huh… ?
Hero: And if I DO betray my companions, if I fight FOR Desoloth… he will guarantee me these things?
X'dir: Most assuredly. No human will be higher-placed in Lore than you. None shall stand above you.
Hero (thinking): Assuming I LET Desoloth raise me to such heights. Perhaps I'll take HIM out after the Primes.
X'dir: The little monkey will tell on you. Your friends and new allies will be displeased.
Hero: Let her. If am I to do this, they will know soon enough. Not that that will stop me.
«Omom growls and the Hero and stalks off»
Hero: They knew my nature when they invited me into their lands.
X'dir: Then you know what to do. Kill the Primes, free their power for our Master. Do this, and all will be yours.
X'dir: A gate to the DragonPlane has been opened. The battle must be joined there. Go, now, your Master waits.
«X'dir backs away»
Hero: I do what I must, and my reasons are my own. And so, I hope, are the rewards.
Hero: I'll deal with crying Priests and an angry ArchMage when I have to. But…
«A Firebird and dragon fly past the Hero»
Hero: That was NOT a normal Firebird! Is Chaos taking a hand even HERE?! Desoloth would not, I think, submit to the whims of Drakath.
Hero: This bears investigation, if there's time. I must deal with this Prime issue quickly, and return to battling Chaos.
Hero: Stability is required if I'm to achieve my goals.
«Scene fades»