If you are under Level 20:
Royal Archivist
Oh! You want to study these creatures, too? I know just how you feel, but you'd only get yourself killed if you went out there now. Come back when you're a little stronger, and I'd be glad to have your help!
- Go Now
Before completing the 'Locate the Source' quest:
Royal Archivist
Have you ever seen anything like this? I can't decide if I'm fascinated or terrified! There's so much knowledge to be gained here!…assuming we manage to survive the investigation, of course.
Well, yes, of course! You can't fight an enemy you don't know anything about. The Royal Archive Society "Records All Seen!" The information we gather will fill volumes! Would you like to help?
One cannot learn from past if there are no records of it. Go through the shelves, and you will learn more of King Alteon's early years.
- Archivist Shop
- Archives' Quests
After completing the 'Locate the Source' quest:
Royal Archivist
Putrid muck, filthy tracks, purple-tinged mud? That can only mean the chaorruption is coming from thesewers the sewers - it's entrenched in the foundation of the city! You'll have to venture down below if we're going to keep studying - I mean fighting it!
- Archivist Shop
- Archives' Quests
After completing the 'That's One Big Sludgebeast' quest:
Royal Archivist
We've got a new problem. While you were slashing up that sludge lord, we got news that an army of chaos is massing at the castle gates! Report to City Defense Commander Rufus at castle gates and help defend our city! (Coming soon!)

Thanks to Apus, Rich Wind and .Shadow//
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