DeathKnight (Class) (0 AC)

- Artix's Doomwood Shop - Necropolis
- Class Shop
- DoomWood Rep - Lightguard Keep
- Doomwood II Rep - Necropolis
- Member Class Shop - Game Menu
Price: 0 AC
Sellback: 0 AC
Weapon Damage: 0%, 2.0 speed
Description: *Note your Weapon Range will show 0-0 while this is equipped* Recommended enhancement: Fighter. Have you have been pulled from the cold comfort of death to serve a new master or has your own will pulled you back to the land of the living to continue fighting?
Stat Model: Tank Melee
Special Effects: DeathKnights gains mana whenever an enemy takes damage from one of the Death Knight's skills
- For a short time, this item was an Armor.
- Lorepedia entry.
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- 2018/09/20 DeathKnight revamp class breakdown.
- Previously called "DeathKnight Class".
- This class has the same skills as DeathKnight (Class) (AC).
- Also see DeathKnight (Armor).
Thanks to Berseck Man, Frozen, Haileym1, Shal, and Shiminuki.