Death on Wings
Location: Terrarium
Level: 13
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 1,160
- Body Slam: 25-31
- Screech: 25-31
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bug Guts' slime (Dropped during the 'Go for Grease!' quest)
- Liquid Collected (Dropped during the 'Don't Drink!' quest)
- Pellet Stolen! (Dropped during the 'An Apple Slice? Yum!' quest)
- Protein Acquired (Dropped during the 'The Moth Defeats Man?' quest)
- Running Shoes (Dropped during the 'Bleak Despair' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Clearwing Moth Wings
- Comet Moth Wings
- Flying Comet Moth
- Flying Comet Moth Friend
- Luna Moth Wings
- Moth Pet
- Rosy Maple Moth Wings
- Sitting Comet Moth
- This Could Be A Token (Dropped during the 'Rarely Defeated!' quest)
- This Is Definitely A Token (Dropped during the 'Bugged by Rares!' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- White Ermine Moth Wings
Thanks to Kein Engel, Kira159, moon keeper and SirBlackAxe.
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