Jump to: Deady Island, Never Lore, Wormhole.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Deady (NPC)
Hey! I’ve got this Unlucky treasure Chest here and it’s Full of Unlucky Friday the 13th items which I'd just LOVE to get rid of, but nothing in life is free. I'd really like some skulls for my collection (everyone needs a hobby). While you’re ripping up the Jungle, if you can find me 6 SKULLS then I’ll give you the Unlucky Skeleton Key that unlocks the chest. (HINT: destroy everything in your path… some skulls like to hide behind trees and in houses!)
Items Required:
- Island Skulls x6
- Click on broken trees and houses at Deady Island
- Undead Villager Skull x1
- Dropped by Undead Villager
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Chaos and Dragarr.
Quest Location: Never Lore
Quests Begun From: Deady (NPC)
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Find the Shadow's Door' quest.
Of course the closet's locked. The Beast Maker wouldn't just want anyone meddling with his creatures. We're going to need to get IN that closet, and for that we'll need to Shadoor Key. One of these mutants should have it. Otherwise, THEY couldn't go home.
Items Required:
- Shadoor Key x1
- Dropped by Flabberbat
- Dropped by Whablobble
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Wormhole
Quests Begun From: Deady (NPC)
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Trobbolegion!' quest.
Trobboliers are adorable and highly merchandiseable, don't you think? If i can find a way to reliably replicate them, we'll all be rich! …want to help me test out the Trobbolier Replicating Machine I built?
Items Required:
- Blue Trobbolier Fluff x4
- Dropped by Blue Trobbolier
- Purple Trobbolier Fluff x4
- Dropped by Purple Trobbolier
- Green Trobbolier Fluff x4
- Dropped by Green Trobbolier
- Red Trobbolier Fluff x4
- Dropped by Red Trobbolier
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
You may also receive at random:
- Matted Dust Bunny
- Red Trobbolier Pet
- Pink Trobbolier Pet
- Gold Trobbolier Pet
- Black Trobbolier Pet
- Rainbow Mustache Trobbolier
- Green Trobbolier Pet
- Blue Trobbolier Pet
- Purple Trobbolier Pet
- Silver Trobbolier Pet
- Mr. Smoochy
- Red Trobbolier Morph
- Green Trobbolier Morph
- Purple Trobbolier Morph
Thanks to Rare.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!