«Scene: Mallora, Cysero, and Hero at Deadmoor's cliff. Cysero cast a spell at the Screaming Stones»
Cysero: Smash 'em.
Hero: Really? That's it?
«Cysero shrugs»
Cysero: If you want it more complicated. I can make up some kind of ritual or…
Hero: No, this is fine. I'm just surprised Chamat never showed back up.
«Hero smashes the stones, screen flashes white, Mallora transforms into a Banshee, and Hero and Cysero are shielded by a purple bubble»
Hero: What the…?
Chamat: Thank you, hero. I couldn't have done it without you.
Hero: Done WHAT? What's going on?
Cysero: Oh, Mallora is a Banshee now.
Hero: I can see that! WHY is she a Banshee?
Cysero: She was murdered by an entire town and has been trapped voiceless for a century.
Cysero: She has been stewing in her own hatred all that time.
Cysero: The power of getting her voice back and kind of let her rage take over.
Cysero: I told you this was going to happen.
Cysero: Prrrreeettty sure that I did.
Hero: You said this would help free her!
Chamat: And that is exactly what you have done.
Chamat: Hear me now, Banshee of Deadmoor.
Chamat: I have freed you from your century of silence in the name of the Queen of All Monsters.
Chamat: You will now serve your Queen by spreading fear and terror and she will grow strong.
Chamat: You are her new weapon.
«Banshee of Mallora attacks Chamat, destroying his helmet, showing Chamat's face, that of a four-eyed bat-like anthropomorphic creature»
Chamat: No! What are you doing?!
«Chamat's face melts into his skull»
«Change of scene, Hero and Cysero inside the purple bubble, the purple bubble fades away, showing Banshee Mallora outside»
Cysero: Classic. Bad guy underestimates the power he's trying to harness and gets destroyed by it.
Cysero: You gotta appreciate the classics.
Hero: So… now we run?
Cysero: What? No, you fight her!
Cysero: Once you defeat her in combat, her rage should fizzle out and Mallora will regain control of herself.
Hero: Are you INSANE?
Cysero: That's what I'm told.
Hero: She MELTED that guy's FACE. You see that puddle over there?
«Scroll to Chamat's defeated body with the puddle of his face»
Hero: THAT PUDDLE was that dude's FACE.
«Scroll back to Hero, Cysero and Banshee Mallora, green flashing ear plugs appear in mid-air»
Cysero: OH! Yeah, you'll need these enchanted ear plugs.
Cysero: She can still hit you but it will protect you from her death wail.
Hero: Are you sure?
Cysero: Only one way to find out! Knock her dead!
Cysero: Deader. Whatever.
«Cutscene ends»
Previous: Chamat (Cutscene) | Next: Mallora's Voice