Deadly Dungeon
Dungeon-Level 33 to 45
Members only. Awesome dungeon crawl through the Deadly Dungeon.
- Chest Guardian x1
- Dire Draugr x11
- Dire Muncher x9
- DoomKitten (Monster) (1) (Level 33) x6
- Giant Dungeon Spider x11
- Hulking Dire Wolf x14
- Undead Dungeon Crawler x12
- Weeping Spyball (Version 2) x9
Map Name: deadlydungeon
Room Limit: 8
Access Points:
- /join deadlydungeon
- Killer Catacombs - 'Pyramid of Pain' button from Donovan
- Pyramid of Pain - 'Pyramid of Pain' button from Viridi's Ghost
- Talk to Loremaster Maya at New Finale
- Chaos Finale Map
Note: Also see Necropolis Cavern.
Thanks to Czereth, Matheew and Shal.
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