David's Cabin
Town-All Levels
An isolated log cabin nesting at the tip of the Frozen Northlands.
- N/A
Map Name: david
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join david
- Frozen Northlands Map
Note: Mousing over David displays the message "I've really got to stop tripping over things. What is wrong with my foot?"
- Before completing the 'Go Fetch!' quest
- After completing the 'Go Fetch!' quest
- After completing the 'A Fowl Costume Change' quest
- After completing the 'After a While...' quest
- After completing the 'Who You Callin' a ChickenMan?' quest
- After completing the 'Solar Powered Wind Burning Air Conditioning Stove' quest
Thanks to LancerWarrior21, missileman, mturf and OmfgRly.
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