Darkovia Invasion
Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Return to the forests of Darkovia and battle alongside the vampires and lycans as the army of Infernal Invaders moves out of Doomwood and into the lands of Eternal Night.
- Dire Wolf (Monster) (1) (Version 2) x1
- Grievous Fiend (Monster) (Version 2) x1
- Hulking Dire Wolf (Version 2) x1
- Infernal Imp (Version 3) x4
- Underworld Hound (2) (Version 2) x2
- N/A
Map Name: darkoviainvasion
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join darkoviainvasion
- West of Screen 1 in Safiria Invasion
- Infernal Invasion Map
Thanks to Harrison and Rare.
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