«Scene: Nyctox in the darkness»
Nyctox: Fear Chaser, you know I cannot be defeated.
Nyctox: The light cannot exist without casting a shadow.
«Scene zooms out, showing the Hero, Twilly, and Ayi»
Ayi: That is true but you are not Darkness…
Ayi: … You are only the Fear of Darkness. That can be overcome.
Hero: People aren't really afraid of the dark anyway…
Nyctox: NO, DON'T SAY IT!
Hero: They are afraid of the unknown.
Hero: They are afraid of what might be waiting IN the dark that they can't see.
Twilly: Hey, you're right!
Twilly: It's not the dark Twilly is afraid of at all!
Nyctox: NOoooooooooooo…
«Light busts out of Nyctox, who is destroyed»
Hero: Wow. That was new. What happened there?
Ayi: Twilly defeated Nyctox.
Twilly: WHAT?!
Ayi: You faced your fear of the dark, and when you did…
Hero: He just vanished! I see now.
Ayi: Fears only have as much power over us as we LET them have.
Twilly: Twilly did that?! WOW!
Hero: Where to now?
Ayi: We have one more fear to defeat. Thanatops, the Fear of Death.
«Scene fades»
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