Darkblood StormKing (0 AC)
Price: 0 AC
Sellback: 0 AC
Weapon Damage: 100%, 2.0 speed
Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard. The Darkblood have always lived beneath the constant roiling storm that covers Thunderforge. It’s no surprise that they They have managed to magically harness the full fury and power of the storm.
Stat Model: Offensive Caster
Special Effects:
- Darkblood Stormkings gain mana when they:
- Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
- Are struck by an enemy in combat
- Class breakdown Design Notes post.
- Requires Rank 10 ThunderForge.
- This class has the same skills as Darkblood StormKing (AC).
- Also see:
Thanks to Flitterifie, Frozen, Msbo13, PkerSlayer and Shal.