Dark War

Map Names:
- darkwar
- darkwarlegion
- darkwarnation
Access Points:
- /join darkwar
- /join darkwarlegion
- /join darkwarnation
- Legion:
- Nation:
War Boss:
- Legion:
- Nation:
- Nation won the war.
- Screens 3 and 4 were unlocked when the war meter reached 25%.
- Screens 5 and 6 were unlocked when the war meter reached 50%.
- Screens 7 and 8 were unlocked when the war meter reached 75%.
- Screen 9 was unlocked when the war meter reached 100%.
War Progression:
- Abysal BloodSpear
- Abysal BloodSpears
- Bow of the Archfiend
- Brutal Axe of the Archfiend
- Brutal Axes of the Archfiend
- Dage's Dark Guard (L)
- Dage's Dark Guard (R)
- Daggers of the Underworld
- Dark Artist Hairstyle
- Dark Artist's Armor
- Dark Artist's Hairstyle
- Dark Artist's Sword
- Dark Knight's Axe
- Dark Knight's Axes
- Dark Knight's Visor Helm
- Dirk of the Underworld
- Doom Combat Guard (L)
- Doom Combat Guard (R)
- Dread Knight's Acolyte Blades (Merge)
- Dread Knight's Apprentice Blades (Merge)
- Dread Knight's Master Blades (Merge)
- Edge of the Archfiend
- Eternal Underworld Guard (L)
- Eternal Underworld Guard (R)
- Evil Horned Grim Helmet
- Fang Blade of Nulgath
- Fang Blades of Nulgath
- Fiendfang Scythe
- Flaming Soulfire Cloak
- Flaming Soulfire Warmonger
- Horned Soulfire Armet + Scarf
- Horned Soulfire Armet
- Infernal Combat Guard (L)
- Infernal Combat Guard (R)
- Infernal FIend Guard (R)
- Infernal Fiend Guard (L)
- Legion Defender Medal
- Legion DoomKnight Guard (L)
- Legion DoomKnight Guard (R)
- Legion Dread Knight (Armor)
- Legion Trophy
- Legion War Banner
- Midnight Storm Void's Piercers
- Midnight Storm Void's Shroud
- Midnight Storm Void
- Narakan Fiend's ArmBlade
- Narakan Fiend's ArmBlades
- Narakan Fiend's Helm
- Narakan Fiend's Shadow
- Narakan Fiend's Spear
- Narakan Fiend
- Nation Defender Medal
- Nation Trophy
- Nulgath's Legacy Guard (L)
- Nulgath's Legacy Guard (R)
- Reaver of the Archfiend
- Reavers of the Archfiend
- Soiled Fiend Crystal
- Soulfire Armet + Scarf
- Soulfire Armet
- Soulfire Blademaster
- Soulfire Cloak
- Soulfire Mask + Ponytail
- Soulfire Mask
- Soulfire Odachi
- Soulfire Odachis
- Soulfire Tonfa
- Soulfire Tonfas
- Soulfire Warmonger
- Spear of the Archfiend
- Spoils of War
- Staff of the Archfiend
- Tempest Void's Orb
- Tempest Void's Piercers
- Tempest Void's Shroud
- Tempest Void
- Underworld Conductor Staff
- Underworld ElectroMage Helm
- Underworld ElectroMage Horns
- Underworld ElectroMage
- Unholy Fang Blade of Nulgath
- Unholy Fang Blades of Nulgath
- Void Recruit's Armet
- Void Recruit's Back Shield
- Void Recruit's BackSword + Shield
- Void Recruit's Battle Helmet
- Void Recruit's Sword + Shield
- Void Recruit's Sword
- Void Recruit's Swords
- Void Recruit
- Wretched Blade of the Underworld
- Wretched Blade of the Void
- Wretched Blades of Evil
- Wretched Blades of the Underworld
- Wretched Blades of the Void