Dark Alliance
Town-Level 0 to 85
Since Dage the Evil would not work with Malgor… he went for an entity who would. Nulgath. Help Dage defeat the dark alliance that is Nulgath and Malgor.
- Shadow (Version 2) x5
- Shadow Makai x5
- Shadow Void (Monster) x6
- ShadowFlame Nulgath x1
- Shadowblade x6
- Underflame Guardian x1
- Underlava x5
- Underworld Imp (2) x6
Map Name: darkalliance
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join darkalliance
- Dark Ally - 'Dark Alliance' button from Dage the Evil (NPC)
- Shadows of War Map
Thanks to Crewcyl and Taryth.
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