Dage the Lich's Quests
Quest Location: Fiend Past
Quests Begun From: Dage the Lich (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
- Test the Newborn Fiends
- Best the Hex
- Grunt Work
- Defeat the Fiend Champion
- Bring Their Doom
- Form A Perimeter
- Wrathful Wraiths
- Defeat Scarvitas
- Seal Maintenance
- Traitors Are Null And Void
- Greedy Imprisonment
- Defeat Baelgar
So, you want me to face off against these Newborns? They will be mere fodder, but I suppose I will trust your guidance.
Items Required:
- Newborn Fiends Defeated x6
- Dropped by Newborn Fiend
- 5,000 Gold
- 25,000 Exp
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!