- At Artist Alley / BattleCon
- At Battleodium
- At Battleon
- At 8-Bit Battleon Town
- At Bright Fortress
- At Chaos Lab
- At Cocytus Barracks
- At Dage's House
- At Dark Birthday / Underworld
- At Dark Alliance
- At Dark Ally
- At Dark Path
- At Darkwinter
- At EbilCorp HQ
- At Evil War Dage
- At Fortress Delve
- At Future Legion
- At Future War
- At Future War - Dage
- At Legion Barracks
- At Midnight Zone
- At Ravenscar
- At Shadowfall
- At Shadowfall Invasion
- At Stream
- At Swaggy's Chateau
- At Tunnel of Love
- At Undervoid
- At Void Vault
- At World Soul
Lord of the Undead Legion, Evil AQWorlds & BattleGems Artist
Hi, I'm Dage the Evil. You may know me as the Lord of the Undead Legion, but my true passion is crafting weapons… in-game and out! You never know where I'll turn up bearing one of my newest creations… so always be on your guard!
Thanks to the vast amounts of dark energy and energy drinks running through my veins, I am working on BattleGems AND AQWorlds… Soon I will create gear for the entire world!
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Every now and then, a Nation lowlife sneaks their way into my fortress, arrogant enough to believe they could assassinate me. Breaching the Alliance allows for lethal punishment. What to do, what to do…
Talk - Can only be used once per day
Every now and then, a Nation lowlife sneaks their way into my fortress, arrogant enough to believe they could assassinate me. Breaching the Alliance allows for lethal punishment. What to do, what to do…
When was the last time Grrrberus had a treat? One just walked into your fortress.
A fine idea! Why don't you handfeed Grrrberus yourself? He's a biter but he'll grow to like you if the treats keep coming.
I should stay out of this one.
Not only do you lack backbone, you lack in creativity. Get out of here if you intend to bore me.
My Dreadmarch and Dreadknights are fearsome and deadly. They have yet to meet their match…so they have grown complacent. I see slovenly and lazy behavior infecting the ranks. Argh, I don’t have time for this!
What if I take them on? It's been a while since I've had a good combat marathon. I could teach them a thing or two..
That confident, are you? Ha! I might, in fact, have time to be an audience to this spectacle. Humiliation is a great teacher.
If you say they're fearsome and deadly, then there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
I see you have the same problem. How do you manage staying alive being this careless?
“Growing stagnant” is an ever looming threat to immortals such as myself. Look at Nulgath and Noxus. They have already succumbed. I am pursuing alternate forms of necromancy to increase our resistance to the light and the unknown. My Legionnaires have collected ancient and complicated tombs. Will you try your hand at deciphering them?
I can't guarantee my expertise on ancient magic, but I'm interested. I want to read them.
I respect ambition and a drive for more. If you prove that you have the initiative, I might deign to teach you. Even if you lack in all areas, I’m a very good teacher…Hmm, I suppose you’re still alive. You dying of exhaustion would be a waste of my effort. Fine, I will order my rank and file to organize amenities.
Such expertise is beyond me, Lord Dage. My mistakes would be a hinderance!.
Hmph, where's your ambition? Go then. Having an aimless fool around will be annoying and distracting. I'm having trouble not disintegrating you right here and now.
I admit, my memory and focus have waned. Though it only affects… insignificant events, I need to be alert and aware at all times. There are only enemies or those that bow because they need something from me. Any hint of weakness becomes a bright, flashing, target. .
Just saying, I keep careful track of what I do. Including what I do with you.
…Is that so? Then I will know who to call on and compensate should I feel that I have missed a day. Ha, this gives me another reason to keep you around more often? Was that your aim? Very sly.
Well, forgetting something means it wasn't important in the first place.
How careless. Listening to that kind of vapid reassurance is how Kings lose their thrones.
The Alliance is considered essential in the face of greater enemies. I do understand that, but I also understand that the arrogant nobles of Good call me a ghoul and Gravelyn’s lackey. A reminder is order. Perhaps an invasion would show them their place is on their knees.
Breaching the Alliance is a rash idea. It is in your best interest that you think about this further.
That was a test, and I applaud your bravery. I don’t need any more yes-men to mindlessly agree with my every word. If you’re willing to disagree with me for the Legion’s best interest, I will consider it. The days where I treated that as insolence are long behind me…a week is considered long, I’d say. And knowing each other for so long, I do value your thoughts.
You're right! You need to assert your authority and power. This is the best way!
That was a test, which you failed miserably. "Leap before you look, and kill before you strike," are the words of a fool. Are you looking to make a fool out of me?
Imagine if I were to completely subjugate your mind and soul. You would be the perfect, obedient warrior. There would be no threat of you questioning or betraying me.
Let's not imagine that. I'm worth more to you lucid. That won't ever change.
Ha! Very true. You’ll always be my pawn. A pawn always within my reach. The only one that knows all of my secrets. All of my weaknesses. Even my fears. You would never betray me. You will never betray me. I will make sure of it.
Let's not imagine that. I'd be harder to work with if I'm undead anyways!
Is that fear I sense? Hmph, you're right. I don't need another debilitated minion. You're already a pushover alive.
Gift - Can only be used once per day
Turquoise - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Grapes - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Orchids - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Melons - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Sapphires - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Cracked Opal - Increases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Lilies - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ heartsWhen gifting Dage something he likes
Centuries ago, when I once lived, opals were used by sooth sayers to divine prophecies. This is a thoughtful gift.
- Rewards the player with:
- Legion Token x20 if Friendship status has 1-2 hearts.
- Legion Token x50 if Friendship status has 3-5 hearts.
- Legion Token x100 if Friendship status has 6 hearts.
When gifting Dage something he dislikes
Do you always have litter on you?
How tiresome.
You're as useless as these so-called gifts.
What a terrible attempt at flattery.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Welcome, my friend. It is time once more to journey to the Underworld! I have prepared a bounty of gifts for you as I celebrate my birthday. After several millennia, you stop counting, but I always craft a special set or two in recognition of the day. Get ALL my birthday rare gear and a character page badge in the Dage's Collection Chest, or choose a couple pieces from the shop.
- Go to DarkPath
- Dage's Birthday
- Collection Chest
- Get Free Helm
Lord of the Undead Legion and AQW Artist
Greetings, Hero. My birthday is Monday I am celebrating my birthday, and this year I have something special in-store for you. I crafted the Legion Doomknight set for you, to allow those strong enough to display their dark power to everyone. The armor, blade, and helm are available now; on Monday, if you think that you have the power to wield such DOOM, you may purchase the class from me… if you dare. I will be adding more item to each of the shops Monday so check back and see what's new. If you bought an Arcane Dark Caster armor, you can now chooose to merge it into a Shadowed Dark Gunner from the Undead Legion Merge Shop until my birthday shops leave.
Undead Legion
My loyal Legionnaires have proven their worth, and so may purchase the Legion Doomknight Gear with Legion Tokens. On Monday, a quest to create the Legion DoomKnight Class will become available. It will require 2000 Legion Tokens, as well as some treasures I desire. Bring me what I seek, and you shall be able to create the Class you want.Join the Legion
The Undead Legion are feared across Lore. You are deadly, evil, and look as if mercy has been ripped out of your soul. It has. Your soul is MINE! Don the armor and equip the weapons of the Legion and show the world you have no fear.- Quest to Join
- To The King
- Undead Warrior Shop
- Undead Legion Shop
- Undead Legion Merge
Sepulchure's Armor
If you're one of the 1000 heroes who has unlocked the original Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor, on Monday you will be able to begin a series of quests which will let you unlock you can quest for the Legion DoomKnight Class, as well. This is a token of my respect for your tenacity and determination. I salute you!
Leader of the Undead Legion
Welcome, hero, welcome! The Harvest fest is about to begin, and I hear a new chef is in town with a menu that is just to DIE for!
You do not want to miss this feast… and I am eager to hear what you think of the menu. I hear he's serving SOUL food… MUAHAHA!
Fire Raffle Token?
Mehehe! Unlock all the FallenFire gear AND get a chance to win 1 of 350 prizes from Dage the Evil!
The raffle winners drawing will be held on Monday, December 1st, 2014! Prizes include:50 heroes will win an exclusive sword by Dage the Evil and 10 million gold each
100 heroes will win a dual-wield version of the sword and 5 million gold each
200 heroes will win and exclusive cape of the sword and 1 million gold each
- FallenFire Token Shop
- FallenFire Gear
Black Friday Gear?
Countdown to Black Friday Item Hunt
I've got gear for you, Hero. Now… if you're SMART you'll pay me for it. But if you want to spend time, energy, and HP potions hunting for it, be my guest. The more heroes who fall in battle, the more minions for my army! Mehehee! I'll add a new item to my shop each day through Friday.Monday: get the Shadow Chaorruptor from Chaos Draconians in Mount Doomskull
Tuesday: get the ShadowBlast Flames from Vordred in the EpicVordred map
Wednesday: get the Obsidian Frostreaver from the Trigoras in the Trigoras map
Thursday: get the Royal ShadowBlade from the Gargoyles in the Castle
Friday: get the Dark Phoenix Blade from the Red Dragon in Lair
- Zorbak's Gear
Lord of the Undead Legion - AQW Artist
Greetings Hero. It is my birthday again and this year I have something special in store for you. I created a brand new CLASS for the occasion. If you think that you have the speed and skill to become a BladeMaster then you are welcome to purchase the class from me. My loyal Legionairres may complete the Legion Quest to obtain the BladeMaster class. I will be adding items to the shop later so check back and see what's new.
- Legion Quests
- Evolved Dark Caster Class
- Undead Legion Merge
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop
- Dage's Birthday Altar
Ruler of the Undead Legion
Welcome to my dark winter, Hero. I always feel more festive when the battlegrounds are frigid… it reminds me of home in the Underworld. To celebrate the glorious conflict this season, I made some changes to my paragon armor. If you like it, you may be lucky enough to earn your own, but not for long!
I hear Dage the Evil has BIG plans for Frostval this year… and if you don't get your greaves in gear and hurry to battle, he'll have wrecked the halls before the Frostvale moglins have the chance to deck them! And if THAT happens, he's going to start handing out his dark gifts… whether you want them or not!
- To the War!
- Get ACs
- Winter War Rares!
- Holiday Paragon!
Ruler of the Undead Legion
You believe you can survive a journey down the Dark Water? The Underworld is no place for this misguided… that is why I am here. If you are brave enough - or foolish enough - you are welcome to sail with me. For now.
Where is… the Underworld?
The Underworld is all around you… a shifted plane below, above, and apart from this world. Once you phase out of your realm and into mine, you will see only darkness, sail only down rivers of hate and forgetfulness… right to the gates guarding the palace of Dage the Evil, ruler of the Undead Legion.
- Dage Underworld Rares
- To the Adventure
- Legion Champion
Ruler of the Undead Legion
You believe you can survive a journey down the Dark Water? The Underworld is no place for this misguided… that is why I am here. If you are brave enough - or foolish enough - you are welcome to sail with me. For now.
Where is… the Underworld?
The Underworld is all around you… a shifted plane below, above, and apart from this world. Once you phase out of your realm and into mine, you will see only darkness, sail only down rivers of hate and forgetfulness… right to the gates guarding the palace of Dage the Evil, ruler of the Undead Legion.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
You THINK you have what it takes to become a Legion Champion? BWAHAH! Prove your worth to me, and MAYBE I'll allow you to harness such a legendary title. Sometimes I am just too generous for a Dark Lord… And now that I've helped you you, travel to Fotia and hunt down that Frozen Flame Soul for me!
Who is… Dage the Evil?
I am Dage the Evil, dark lord of the Underworld. I defeated Nulgath the ArchFiend and sent him to another realm… a bright world ripe for conquering. I chose the remain here, ruling. Leading my Undead Legion.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
I have been waiting…. HERO. I hear tales of an island full of women warrior screaming for my blood. You want to prove yourself worthy? Go to them; you will find a boat to their island if you /join pirates. Find out what is going on, and return to me. You may purchase any of the items from my OathKeeper shop as a sign of my faith in your skill.
Who is…Dage the Evil?
I am Dage the Evil, dark lord of the Underworld. I defeated Nulgath the Archfiend and sent him into another realm… a bright world ripe for conquering. I chose to remain here, ruling. Leading my Undead Legion.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
- To SoulForgeDage the Sneevil?! April 1st release
I have evolved a new form… a shorter, more… boxy form. It is only when my birthday celebration and the 1st day of April coincide that I may assume this appearance. To see my TRUE form, go to the Soulforge. Inside it, I will always appear as my true self.
- April 1st Rares

- Super-Classy Soundboard
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Happy Deathday to me, Hero! You should celebrate, because it means gear for YOU! But I would not be Dage the Evil if I didn't make you work for some of them! Purchase my gear for AdventureCoins or Legion Tokens, and remember… the Undead Legion will conquer all!
- Dage's Dark Birthday ShopRuler of the Underworld?
I defeated Nulgath the ArchFiend and won control of the Underworld. He lives in another realm… a bright world ripe for conquering. I chose to remain here. To lead you, and my Undead Legion. And after many months, my SoulForge is ready! And one day, a door will appear there which takes you deeper into my realm…

- Get AdventureCoins
- To SoulForge
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
It's my birthday, mortal! The Undead Legion showers me with so many awesome gifts every year… and they're all MINE! Ahahaha! But I thought it would be… nice… to regift a few of them for less fortunate. Either buy something now or buy something now because I won't be here in sunshiny Battleon forever.
- Mod Birthday ShopTalk
If you are interested in joining my Undead Legion or acquiring any of my other extremely rare items, come and visit me in Shadowfall. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ME!

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Some of you got a taste at what it's like to be a Dark Caster. Why pretend when you can be the real thing? I am gathering my forces and I need souls… I mean soldiers for my Legion. Join me, embrace your power and become a Dark Caster X. Together, we will march on the pretender, NULGATH! Be prepared; the extermination begins this summer!
Be on the lookout for Nulgath's supporters trying to infiltrate our army. They are crafty, and wearing the Dark Caster X set would be an excellent opportunity to gain your trust and learn our strategies. They will do anything to protect him, but we will TRIUMPH!
- Dage War PreparationClass
Soon, I will create a Dark Caster CLASS. Those of my minions with the original Dark Caster ARMOR will have access to this class, but ONLY those with the original Armor. This new Dark Caster X will NOT grant you access to the class. I still have not yet decided how to test your loyalty to the Legion to give you the class. That is for another day.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Undead Legion knows of your dedicated deeds. You would make a formidable Undead Champion. The Dark Lord of the Undead Legion welcomes you.
Undead Legion
Undead Warriors have been around for ages, known for their barbaric fighting styles and ruthless demeanors. The Undead Warrior armor can be purchased in Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop by anyone, but only true Legion Warriors have received my summon.The Undead Legion is proud to offer you an upgraded version of the Undead Warrior Armor… that is, if you can complete the following missions specifically picked out for your demise. Only then will you become an Undead Champion. Well… heh, maybe.
My Soul Forge has the power to create epic Undead Legion items. But it feeds off Obsidian Rocks and Solidified Souls. If you can prove your worth by completing my quests, then you too can harness the power of the Undead Legion!- Quests
The Undead Legion are feared across Lore. You are deadly, evil, and look as if mercy has been ripped out of your soul. It has. Your soul is MINE! Don the armor and equip the weapons of the Legion and show the world you have no fear.- Armor Shop
- Legion Shop
- Merge Shop
If you wish to rise higher in the Legion, you will need the proper gear… and to accomplish certain tasks. Complete the quests I have for you, and you will become deadlier and more evil than you ever thought possible.
Note: Replaces The Keeper after completing the 'Fail to the King' quest.
Leader of the Undead Legion
We are here to conquer a NEW world. There can only be ONE Dage. and Dage is NOT… GOOD. You stand with me, l know. You've earned the right to take what you want from who you want. Go. Slay. Steal. And when you're through, this world will be mine. And you shall profit.
HA HA HA! Pfft. The Queen of Monsters spoke of allies. l listened. l am sure she is using me as much as l am using her, and we will each profit from the other. And l am sure she knows exactly that. But can you feel the fear coursing through these bright warriors? The Queen of Monsters will feed well today. We all gain by this invasion.
Last Dev Standing
Greetings, Hero. We have a dire situation here, and I'm going to need your help. The power of chaos is stronger than we ever imagined. It has infiltrated the very power of Lore, and has sucked the developers who created it into some kind of chaorrupted pocket dimension. It MUST be stopped before it chaorrupts us all!
How is this possible?
From the dawn of time, the land of Lore has been watched over, guarded, formed, destroyed, and rebuilt by godlike beings which you call "developers". In the beginning they created the living and the undead, the good and the evil, and let them battle to balance the land; but they were not satisfied with Lore.So they added the elements and elementals, and the forces of magic and science in a continuing effort to balance their great world. Although balance was formed, they grew hungrier for adventure and introduced a new force into Lore. This is what you call the chaos.
They watched the strange purple energy flow through Lore, warping objects they had created into new and wild forms, and they were satisfied. But this force had begun to spread faster than they could control it, infecting everything it touched and summoning its own champions to overtake their creation.
The devs worked tirelessly, introducing new forces into their world to combat this growing threat, using good and evil, science and magic, and all other elements to keep it at bay. This was not enough. Chaos took on a life of its own and formed the chaorrupted realm. Little did they know that this would be its foothold to enter their world.
Now it has brought us to this bridge between Lore and the land of the Devs and threatens to collapse the two into a new world, ruled solely by Chaos.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Chaos Lab Rares
After completing the Face the Hamster quest:
Last Dev Standing
The chaos has been pushed back and the lab has been restored! I knew you would succeed
How is this possible?
From the dawn of time, the land of Lore has been watched over, guarded, formed, destroyed, and rebuilt by godlike beings which you call "developers". In the beginning they created the living and the undead, the good and the evil, and let them battle to balance the land; but they were not satisfied with Lore.So they added the elements and elementals, and the forces of magic and science in a continuing effort to balance their great world. Although balance was formed, they grew hungrier for adventure and introduced a new force into Lore. This is what you call the chaos.
They watched the strange purple energy flow through Lore, warping objects they had created into new and wild forms, and they were satisfied. But this force had begun to spread faster than they could control it, infecting everything it touched and summoning its own champions to overtake their creation.
The devs worked tirelessly, introducing new forces into their world to combat this growing threat, using good and evil, science and magic, and all other elements to keep it at bay. This was not enough. Chaos took on a life of its own and formed the chaorrupted realm. Little did they know that this would be its foothold to enter their world.
Now it has brought us to this bridge between Lore and the land of the Devs and threatens to collapse the two into a new world, ruled solely by Chaos.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Chaos Lab Rares
- Chaos Lab Merge Shop

Lord of the Underworld
I have a matter to discuss with you in /LegionBarracks. Don't expect there to be trouble this time, but it doesn't look like you're going to keep your hopes up.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Welcome to my Underworld. The Undead Legion has heard countless stories of your great power. You must be even stronger - or more foolish - than I thought to have ventured these depths. Are you looking to bind yourself yourself further to the Legion and create gear in my Soul Forge? Do my dirty work and I'll kindly allow you to use the forge.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Undead Legion knows of your dedicated deeds. You would make a formidable Undead Champion. The Dark Lord of the Undead Legion welcomes you.
Undead Legion
Undead Warriors have been around for ages, known for their barbaric fighting styles and ruthless demeanors. The Undead Warrior armor can be purchased in Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop by anyone, but only true Legion Warriors have received my summon.The Undead Legion is proud to offer you an upgraded version of the Undead Warrior Armor… that is, if you can complete the following missions specifically picked out for your demise. Only then will you become an Undead Champion. Well… heh, maybe.
My Soul Forge has the power to create epic Undead Legion items. But it feeds off Obsidian Rocks and Solidified Souls. If you can prove your worth by completing my quests, then you too can harness the power of the Undead Legion!- Quests
- To SoulForge
The Undead Legion are feared across Lore. You are deadly, evil, and look as if mercy has been ripped out of your soul. It has. Your soul is MINE! Don the armor and equip the weapons of the Legion and show the world you have no fear.- Armor Shop
- Legion Shop
- Merge Shop
If you wish to rise higher in the Legion, you will need the proper gear… and to accomplish certain tasks. Complete the quests I have for you, and you will become deadlier and more evil than you ever thought possible.- Legion Quests
- To the King
- Champion Quests
- Sword Of The Legion Quests
- Infernal Caladbolg (Owners Only)
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Welcome to my Underworld. The Undead Legion has heard countless stories of your great power. You must be even stronger - or more foolish - than I thought to have ventured these depths. Are you looking to bind yourself yourself further to the Legion and create gear in my Soul Forge? Do my dirty work and I'll kindly allow you to use the forge.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Undead Legion knows of your dedicated deeds. You would make a formidable Undead Champion. The Dark Lord of the Undead Legion welcomes you.
Undead Legion?
Undead Warriors have been around for ages, known for their barbaric fighting styles. Owners of the Undead Warrior armor can undertake my Initiation Quests to become members of my Undead Legion. The Undead Warrior Armor can be purchased in my Armor Shop by anyone.Undead Champion
The Undead Legion is proud to offer you an upgraded version of the Undead Warrior Armor… that is, if you can complete the following missions specifically picked out for your demise. Only then will you become an Undead Champion. Well… heh, maybe.
The Undead Legion are feared across Lore. You are deadly, evil, and look as if mercy has been ripped out of your soul. It has. Your soul is MINE! Don the armor and equip the weapons of the Legion and show the world you have no fear.- Armor Shop
- Legion Shop
- Merge ShopSpecial Items
- Legion Vampire
These shops require a special item or achievement to open. If you have not fulfilled the requirements… you have not earned the right to the gear.
Dark Caster Classes
So you are already a Dark Caster, are you? And you want to move up in the ranks? Well, luckily for you - you can! All you have to do is OWN an original Dark Caster Class, and you are eligible for a new version! Complete the quest for the original CLASS that you own, and you will get the 2019 variant for free!
- Dark Caster Class
- Evolved Dark Caster Class
- Legion Evolved Dark Caster Class
- Arcane Dark Caster Class
- Mystical Dark Caster ClassLord of Bones
- Lord of Bones![]()
- Warlord of Bones![]()
Darknight Stalker
- Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 1)![]()
- Darknight Stalker (Shop) (Tier 2)![]()
If you wish to rise higher in the Legion, you will need the proper gear… and to accomplish certain tasks. Complete the quests I have for you, and you will become deadlier and more evil than you ever thought possible.- Legion Quests
- Farming Quests
- Special Item QuestsSoul Forge
My Soul Forge has the power to create epic Undead Legion items. But it feeds off Obsidian Rocks and Solidified Souls. If you can prove your worth by completing my quests, then you too can harness the power of the Undead Legion!
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
You are not yet prepared to battle here. Return to the beginning.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Defeat the Underfiend' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
I should have known Nulgath would show his face here eventually. After I refused to be Malgor's ally in the Underworld, he had to find someone who would. We can't let this realm fall into enemy hands!
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dark Alliance Merge
After completing the 'Armor Against the Shadow' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
They've corrupted the Soul Forge - turned it black with shadow. We cannot let this stand. It's clear we'll need to find something to fight the shadows with.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dark Alliance Merge
After completing the 'Aid from the Pyromancer' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
They've corrupted the Soul Forge - turned it black with shadow. We cannot let this stand. It's clear we'll need to find something to fight the shadows with.
- Go Now (Takes you to Screen 10)
- Dark Alliance Merge
After completing the 'Take the Flame' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
This fire should be strong enough to cleanse the shadows from the Soul Forge. It's time for the Legion to take back what is ours.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dark Alliance Merge
After completing the 'Burn the Shadows' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Underworld will never belong to anyone but the Legion! We can't let Malgor take it… through Nulgath or anyone else!
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dark Alliance Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Shadow Nulgath' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Malgor wants to destroy all of it - the Underworld, the Void, Lore itself. If we want to preserve any part of it, we will all have to join together to stop him.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dark Alliance Merge
- Inner Shadows
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Malgor thought I'd be on his side. And maybe I would have… before I saw the future. I can't believe how like him I used to be. I recognize that I am part of the balance now, but he seeks to destroy it.
Now, of course, he's going to take the Underworld for himself - or try to. I could use your help dealing with it.
After completing the 'Souls for the Forge' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Shadowflame forces are arriving. Get ready.
Dage the Evil
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Dage the Evil
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
I can't believe you would betray the Legion!Next
Under Malgor's Influence
Believe me, I didn't want to.Next
Under Malgor's Influence
But I'm not going to stay on the losing side.Next
Dage the Evil
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Under Malgor's Influence
You'd have us hiding in the dark, trying to stave off the inevitable.Next
Under Malgor's Influence
Better to embrace it and adapt.Next
Dage the Evil
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
That pathetic coward! This is FAR from ideal - this is an enemy who knows all of our secrets. How we operate. No matter - we won't let them win. We can't.
After completing the 'Shred the Shadows' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
That pathetic coward! This is FAR from ideal - this is an enemy who knows all of our secrets. How we operate. No matter - we won't let them win. We can't.
After completing the 'Cleanse the Shadows' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Malgor was foolish to think that my Legion could be permanently turned against me. Of course, we haven't reclaimed EVERYONE just yet - the Underfiend is still under Malgor's influence. We won't have fully rooted it out until we take care of him.
After completing the 'Defeat the Underfiend' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
That pathetic coward! This is FAR from ideal - this is an enemy who knows all of our secrets. How we operate. No matter - we won't let them win. We can't.
You have proven your worth - you ARE a BladeMaster. You have mastered your skills, and continued in your studies and for that you are to be rewarded.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Last year, when I saw a vision of the future, it became clear I was on the wrong path. I don't need to defeat Nulgath. I need to sever my connection to him. If I can recover the other half of my soul, and destroy my contract with Nulgath, then this conflict will be over. To do that, I must go into the Void.
Why Are We Here?
I'm going to rip need to open a portal into to the Void. For that, I'll need a lot of soul energy - specifically, I'll need the souls of creatures from the Void. There aren't many places in Lore where such creatures gather.
After completing the 'We Need a Guide' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Void Minion I've bound will be able to help us find what we're looking for. Go, talk to it. See if it can lead us to Nulgath's vault of souls… to MY soul.
Talk to Zep, the Void Minion, to continue questing |
After completing the 'Open the Vault' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Last year, when I saw a vision of the future, it became clear I was on the wrong path. I don't need to defeat Nulgath. I need to sever my connection to him. If I can recover the other half of my soul, and destroy my contract with Nulgath, then this conflict will be over.
After completing the 'Examine the Souls' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Last year, when I saw a vision of the future, it became clear I was on the wrong path. I don't need to defeat Nulgath. I need to sever my connection to him. If I can recover the other half of my soul, and destroy my contract with Nulgath, then this conflict will be over.
Talk to our minion Minion, Zep. He can lead us to our next destination. |
After completing the 'Find Contract' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
I will need to gather more energy before we can continue on. Who knows what will be waiting for us further into the Void.
Why Are We Here?
I'm going to rip open a portal into the Void. For that, I'll need a lot of soul energy - specifically, I'll need the souls of creatures from the Void. There aren't many places in Lore where such creatures gather.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- To the Final Portal (Screen 11)

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Ho, ho, ho! I'm bringing holiday drear to all the bad boys and girls in Lore! And I guess the good kids can enjoy it too, since it’s not like they have much choice. Take a look inside my bag of toys and see what nasty goodies strike your fancy.
- Darkwinter Rare MergeTalk
I'm not a fan of all this cheery Frostval business. Ruins what would otherwise be a beautifully grim season, a time of entropy and death. But that's ok, I'm working hard to make sure this winter reaches its full potential. Breathtaking, isn't it?

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
That cursed magic is broken. Good. I'll forgive you this one time, Hero. Make sure this doesn't happen again!

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Welcome to my Underworld. You must be incredibly strong--or foolish-- to have ventured these depths. Are you looking to create epic Undead Legion loot in my Soul Forge? Do my dirty work and I'll kindly allow you to use my Soul Forge.
- Dage the Evil's QuestsSoul Forge?
My Soul Forge has the power to create epic Undead Legion items. But it feeds off Obsidian Rocks and Solidified Souls. If you can prove your worth by completing my quests, then you too can harness the power of the Undead Legion!
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop

- Get ACs
Lord of the Undead Legion
I believe we have yet to meet. Return to /siegefortress and watch your back.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Evil of Humanity' quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
That Light Elemental tore out a piece of my soul, leaving me with only a sliver. It is a surprise that you weren't destroyed by its attack. Curious…but no matter. I am able to fight, but control of my legionnaires has been wrested away. In order to take my soul back and destroy that supposed Elemental, I will agree to ally myself with you, Empress. Escaping these catacombs will be our first objective.
After completing the 'A Man-Cave and a Box of Scraps' quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
I have reforged and refined what was left of the rusted light weapons into two arrows. If you aren't experienced with longe range weapons, start practicing as we ascend your fortress. The rumbling is becoming more violent, and I sense that the Elemental is revealing its true nature. Time is of the essence. Prepare the arrows and use the Light necromancy spell I wrote down for you. We will obliterate that elemental.
After completing the 'The Condemner' quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
Your father is a fierce warrior. He has kept the greater Light Elemental where we left it. The arrows are ready and from the look in your eyes, so are you. Cast that Light necromancy spell I taught you. Ha, that Elemental called us a mangled soul and an abomination. And so its humiliation will continue. We will destroy that elemental, and send a wave of fear through the Plane of Light itself.
After completing the 'Lost Light, Astero' quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
For now, the Empire and the Legion part ways. I will order one of my Legionnaires to deliver the gold, and more importantly, the tomes you requested. How odd, the man I was before the conflict differs starkly from the one that stands before you now. My mind is clearer. Perhaps I should attack your fortress again sometime. This is obviously a jest, of course. Until your coronation, this is farewell.
What did you want to know?Future
We have agreed to a partnership in the future. By then, you will have been properly crowned Empress, and I will take the Underworld Throne from Nulgath, the Fiend. Though I do have ambitions to take the world of the living, my original goal was to destroy my former teacher. I was distracted from this, and I wonder if that was Nulgath's aim all along when he declared your father his equal.
My Legion and I have existed for centuries. That greater Light Elemental, if it truly is one, was stronger than any I have encountered before. It would have proved a troublesome opponent had it faced either of us openly instead of addling my mind. Given the right tools, your strength outshone its Light. What do I really mean by this? Hmm, it is not my place to get in the way of your destiny. In short, it would be rude.
In exchange for reforging the weapons sealed away in the depths of the Fortress, I will be taking the book we found. Caesar, was it? A fake name used to hint at the type of cipher that hides the book's secrets. I admit, there's a ring to it. The knowledge this book holds would serve little use to you now. It might even cause more harm. There are greater concerns for you to take care of as you are now.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Since Nulgath betrayed me, I have wanted nothing more than to liberate the other half of my soul, and become strong enough to defeat him. But I never considered what I would do after I had succeeded. Is this what my future looks like.
This… Future Dage… has already freed the other half of his soul. He has become powerful enough to destroy Nulgath. If I an going to defeat him, I will need to become stronger, too Every Future Legion soul I collect will take power away from him, and increase my own.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The past will overpower the future, because we learn from what has gone before. You are not ready to participate here. You must return to the Dreadnaught to understand what we are fighting for.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Take out the Legionator' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Future Legion is strong, but they have underestimated us! We will not let them win. Make your preparations. When you are ready to face them, I will teleport you to battle.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The past will overpower the future, because we learn from what has gone before. You are not ready to participate here. You must return to the Dreadnaught to understand what we are fighting for.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Take out the Legionator' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
You have defeated the future legion, and all of us are in your debt.
- Dage War 50%
- Future War Merge
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
What we see here could easily be my own future, 1000 years from now. By stopping the Future Legion, I will prove that this is NOT who I am. Not now, and not in my future.

Lord of the Underworld
Lore must belong to the Living. To ensure that I can stand by my own words, I need level heads and capable Generals. Maleagant is both highly skilled and widely respected by the Legion, and his loyalty has never faltered. Meet with him in the barracks by the Cocytus River, and tell me why he refuses to rise in rank. I will guide you from here. My presence may keep our prospect from speaking to you candidly. Laughing, are you? Fine. I'll allow it…once.
After completing the 'Lamenting Aestiua' quest:
Lord of the Underworld
You've given me evidence that Maleagant and the Legionnaires stationed by the Cocytus are dabbling in Light Necromancy. Not only that, but he smuggled the remains of Paladins into the barracks, and even kidnapped one who was still alive. Join Rand, and subdue the Paladin Arondight. Find out why this happened. I'll read the notes you found. The way you said it was written sounds familiar to me.
Lord of the Underworld
Sparagmos and the Temple of Water are effectively mine. Every life in the Seabase is at my mercy, including yours. But is it really? Tell me everything about the Mana Core, and yourself. As for Kathool, its mind games are nothing to me. I am as, if not more, powerful than an old squid. Your concern is unneeded and insulting. Perhaps you should focus on aiding Dr. Rivale with her descent into the Abyssal Zone.
As soon as I remind you about the Zone's structure, tell me everything about the Mana Core, the Timestream…and yourself.Midnight
The Midnight Zone is in near complete darkness. That researcher Iseul explained how the water pressure spiked to a level where it would destroy a human body ejected from the base. The Underworld isn't any different, perhaps dryer. Mortals trapped in such an environment would be susceptible to hallucinations regardless of Sparagmos' protection. None of that affects me….Roll your eyes again, I dare you.Labs
The Midnight Zone is home to the Defense Division and their Weapons Labs. From what I've discovered, this is where the Queen's spectral arrows were created - a weapon that could sever the link between my legionnaires and I. It's impressive, to say the least. And their ambitions don't stop there. Swordhaven is looking for ways to completely neutralize necromancy by preventing souls from being raised.Prisoners
Necromancy is forbidden in Greenguard, obviously. Though, there weren't strict guidelines or punishments. Most are slain on the spot, but the Queen knows that dealing death doesn't mean her foes will never come back. I heard rumor that necromancers and criminal undead are being captured en masse. So this is where they were sent. Down to Undine as prisoners to be executed through experiments.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Midnight Zone Merge
- Sea Base House Merge
Commander of the Undead Legion
You might look like a farm boy in your daddy's armor, but I sense strength and skill inside you. Slaying Blightbringer won't be easy… so you might as well practice on his minions. Go. Slay the undead soldiers that remain in your village!
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Ravenscar Legion
- Ravenscar Shop
After completing the 'Slay the Necromancer's Soldiers' quest:
Commander of the Undead Legion
Dage says that the page came from a rare spellbook, and is likely the reason the necro attacked the village. Doesn't know why it'd be here, but it's good that it is, because it SHOULD hold a spell which will help Rand accomplish his revenge.
After completing 'The Book of Portals' quest:
Commander of the Undead Legion
Dage says the spellbook DOES hold the necessary spell, but in order to cast it, he will need to corrupt something pure/good connected to a person no longer alive. And Rand must be the one to provide it. Dage asks… you had a sweetheart, didn't you? How much do you want to get your revenge?
After completing the 'Battle for a Lost Love' quest:
Commander of the Undead Legion
A portal to the Underworld has been opened. I've cast it so that it will take us close to where Blightbringer. Enter the Underworld, and discover the Necromancer's location.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Ah, Hero, you finally made it to Shadowfall. The Undead Legion has heard countless stories of your great power. On behalf of the Legion, we would like to award our greatest minion with the distinguished Undead Warrior Armor upgrade.
What is the Legion?
Undead Warriors have been around for ages, known for their barbaric fighting styles and ruthless demeanors. The Undead Warrior armor can be purchased in Yulgar's Player Suggestion Shop by anyone, but only true Legion Warriors have received my summon.The Undead Legion is proud to offer you an upgraded version of the Undead Warrior Armor… that is, if you can complete the following missions specifically picked out for your demise. Only then will you become an Undead Champion. Well… heh, maybe.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Undead Warrior Shop
- To Underworld
After completing the 'Fail to the King' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
The Undead Legion knows of your dedicated deeds. You would make a formidable Undead Champion. The Dark Lord of the Undead Legion welcomes you.
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Undead Warrior Shop
- To Underworld
Lord of the Undead Legion
Empress Gravelyn needs your help. You must speak to her.
After completing the 'Here's A Hammer, Get To Work' quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
Alright, before we can get this fortress moving again, we're going to need one more thing - a soul crystal! Luckily, I can create one using the soul forge I've been building here. I just need someone to help me collect some souls. You up for it?
Queen of Monsters?
Ah, you remember the Mirror Realm, eh? Our goals were aligned for awhile, but it was never going to be a permanent alliance. When she attacked Shadowfall, she accelerated its inevitable end. The Infernals will learn to see her for what she is, eventually. She is no one's ally but her own.
After completing the 'YOU again! quest:
Lord of the Undead Legion
You're right, the Queen and I were briefly allied for awhile, in the Mirror Realm. But when she attacked Shadowfall, she ensured that we would become enemies instead. It was inevitable - she is no one's ally but her own. I always knew that. The Infernals will learn to see her for what she is, eventually.

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Hi everyone! Thank you for coming to watch me draw. This is our first experiment with streaming video. Because we are using another company to stream the video, we do not have any control over the TV ads they show. So, we must ask that you are over 13, or get your parent's permission before starting the video stream. Hope you enjoy the show!

Lord of the Undead Suitors
What? I might be dead, but I'm not, you know, DEAD.
I might know something. I'll trade you my information for a favor.

Lord of the Underworld
I am Dage, apprentice of the Archfiend, the Lord of the Underworld. Master Nulgath greeted you more amicably than any other acquaintance I've seen before. Despite that, you're as stiff as a corpse. What has you so on edge?
Hmm, Master Nulgath is acting strangely. He's asking me questions, and sharing knowledge he would usually keep sealed away. Is the Master feeling generous, or is there some sort of ulterior motive? Admittedly, all of his tests used to lead to dead ends. We usually just learn to bow our heads lower, but this time it's different. All of these hidden corridors in the Underworld, spells that draw power from the Beast…I would have never known.
You want to talk about my ambitions? That isn't a wise question to ask in front of the Archfiend. I was born cursed, trapped in a wretched body with a broken soul. The only way I could attain what I deserved, total power and conquest, was to borrow strength that wasn't my own. When I could no longer rely on those I considered companions, I signed a contract with Master Nulgath. That's how I will reach my true potential.
We should focus on finding the thief that brazenly broke into Nulgath's domain. Hmm, my instincts tell me that it's safe to trust you with that matter. It's strange. I'm talking far too much with a stranger, and it fills me with a sense of…relief? Disgusting. I've been Undead for ages now. I shouldn't be experiencing those sensations anymore. The reason I signed my soul away was to leave those sentiments behind.
After completing the 'Oubliable' quest:
Lord of the Underworld
I remember your name now, and I'm also starting to understand why Master Nulgath seems so entertained. Finish your business here, and let us never speak of what happened again. If you happen to return and find that this putrid tunnel has become a burning crater, know that it was me. I don't care if you wanted to show that malformed pile of clay mercy… I'm going to make it suffer.
Hmm, Master Nulgath is acting strangely. He's asking me questions, and sharing knowledge he would usually keep sealed away. Is the Master feeling generous, or is there some sort of ulterior motive? Admittedly, all of his tests used to lead to dead ends. We usually just learn to bow our heads lower, but this time it's different. All of these hidden corridors in the Underworld, spells that draw power from the Beast…I would have never known.
You want to talk about my ambitions? That isn't a wise question to ask in front of the Archfiend. I was born cursed, trapped in a wretched body with a broken soul. The only way I could attain what I deserved, total power and conquest, was to borrow strength that wasn't my own. When I could no longer rely on those I considered companions, I signed a contract with Master Nulgath. That's how I will reach my true potential.
We should focus on finding the thief that brazenly broke into Nulgath's domain. Hmm, my instincts tell me that it's safe to trust you with that matter. It's strange. I'm talking far too much with a stranger, and it fills me with a sense of…relief? Disgusting. I've been Undead for ages now. I shouldn't be experiencing those sensations anymore. The reason I signed my soul away was to leave those sentiments behind.

Leader of the Undead Legion, Master Weaponscrafter
Welcome to the Underworld, Hero… and to the Void inside its center. In this place, you'll face creatures who represent the best and worst of humanity. Defeat them and prove to yourself… and ME… that you are worthy of the gifts I have to give to you: items of untold value and one of my most close-ly guarded secrets!
The Undervoid arena in which you stand was constructed for ONE purpose: to test you. I have summoned the Four Horsemen of the Undead Apocalypse to challenge your strength, skill, determination… and ability to survive untold amounts of pain!
My Undead Legion is an army of heroes - both living and undead - who have sworn allegiance to ME. I have promised them rewards beyond their imagining and dominion over Lore. Through constant training and challenges, they earn gear and my trust. One day, when the time is right, they will know more power and glory than they ever dreamed!
- Dage the Evil's Quests
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop
After completing the 'Conquer Death' quest:
Leader of the Undead Legion, Master Weaponscrafter
Yes… yes. You have done well, just as I suspected you might. Your victory grants you access to new training quests. You may also defeat enemies to earn the resources to create additional rewards. You're welcome.
- Bonus Quests
- Dage's Birthday Merge
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop
- Daily Quests

Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
It looks like we're going to have to fight our way through an army of the Void to get out of here! Are you ready for this?
After completing the 'Battle the Void Army' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
He caught us off guard last time, but we won't let that happen again. I'm strong enough to defeat him on my own. With both of us working together, he doesn't stand a chance.
After completing the 'Defeat Zeph'gorog' quest:
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
Do you think this is the end of it? Have I really severed my connection with the sword that's been hanging over me for years? Only time will tell.
Dark Lord of the Undead Legion
All of this began when Wilhelm betrayed me so long ago. I never dreamed that Laken would do the same. It's a painful loss, but the Legion will destroy him if it has to.
- To War!
- 8-Bit Battleon Town
- Artist Alley
- Battleodium
- Battleon
- Bright Fortress (Location)
- Chaos Lab
- Cocytus Barracks
- Dage's House
- Dark Alliance
- Dark Ally
- Dark Birthday
- Dark Path
- Darkwinter
- EbilCorp HQ
- Fortress Delve
- Future Legion
- Future War
- Future War - Dage
- Legion Barracks
- Midnight Zone
- Ravenscar
- Shadowfall
- Shadowfall Invasion
- Stream
- Swaggy's Chateau
- Tunnel of Love
- Undervoid
- Underworld
- Void Vault
- World Soul (Location)
- Replaced by General Rand in Cocytus Barracks after completing the 'Unblemished Snow' quest.
- Replaced by General Rand in Legion Barracks after completing the 'Unblemished Snow' quest.
- Replaces Dage the Ebil in EbilCorp HQ after completing the 'The M.C.P' quest.
- Replaces The Keeper in 8-Bit Battleon Town after completing the 'Fail to the King' quest.
- Replaces Dr. Caesar Mostyma in Midnight Zone after completing the 'Roko's Royal Basilisk' quest.
- Also see:
- At 8-Bit Battleon Town
- At Artist Alley / BattleCon
- At Battleodium
- At Battleon
- At Cocytus Barracks / Tunnel of Love
- At Dark Ally / Dark Alliance / Dark Path / EbilCorp HQ / Void Vault
- At Darkwinter
- At Fortress Delve
- At Future War
- At Legion Barracks
- At Midnight Zone
- At Shadowfall
- At Swaggy's Chateau
- At World Soul
Thanks to Apus, black kombat, Eldant, Fantabulistic, Mai Oniichan, Na Tra, Ness860, Rich Wind, rickyb20, Rsrdaman, Satan clone 2, SlyCooperFan1, SirBlackAxe, Syudanco, Tendou no Mazo, Tux47, Velvex, Zyrain and .Shadow//
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