«Hero and Cysero in Deadmoor»
Hero: Wait… if Mallora can't talk then how do you know her story?
Cysero: I talk to a lot of stuff that can't talk back… or shouldn't talk back, at any rate.
Cysero: I've been coming up here for about a year, on and off.
Cysero: Mostly, it's been a lot of pantomime.
«Change scene to Cysero talking to Mallora via pantomime, then back to Hero and Cysero»
Cysero: I used a few spells to peek into the past just to make sure I got the details right.
Hero: Why not just use the spells in the first place?
Cysero: That's not very fun.
Cysero: Besides, it's impolite to peek through time at people's horrible deaths.
Hero: Fair enough.
Hero: But if you could understand her, why didn't you just help her yourself.
Cysero: Oh, because I thought it would involve a lot of fighting.
Hero: Yeah… and?
Cysero: And I'm non-violent.
Hero: WHAT?!
Cysero: Think about it. When have you ever seen me fight anything?
Hero: Well, there was that time that you…. huh.
Cysero: See?
Hero: But you're a powerful MAGE! You have all this magic! Warlic fights all the time!
Cysero: Warlic is a trained battle mage. I'm a utilitarian mage.
Cysero: I use my magic to build things. To experiment and learn new things.
Hero: But… you have that huge hammer!
Cysero: This is not a weapon. It's a tool. I use it to forge my magical creations.
Hero: BUT YOU MAKE WEAPONS! That's not very "anti-violent".
Cysero: I forge the weapons because it's fun and I'm not opposed to violence.
Cysero: It has its place.
Cysero: I just think it's always more fun to think my way around a situation.
Cysero: Besides, YOU are out there fighting the good fight.
Cysero: Then lets me spend my time on fun and interesting things…
Cysero: … like creating beautiful, magical weapons for you to use…
Cysero: … and learning to talk to speechless ghosts.
Hero: …
Hero: is it a really bad sign that all that made sense to me?
Cysero: HA! Scary, right?
«Scroll up, cutscene fades away»
Next: Mallora (Cutscene)