«Scene: Blackout..»
Daimyo: ARF! ARF!
Hero: Wow, so this is where the magic happens? The server room? Does it REALLY run on hamster power?
Daimyo: BARK! …Arf!?
«Power goes back up.»
«Screen shows Llussion.»
Rolith: I'm telling you, the hamster are unbalancing the load balancer!
«Screen moves to Yorumi.»
Yorumi: … And their wheels spinning out of sync is causing the hard drive to go crazy.
Yorumi: This shouldn't be happening! But we can fix it if -
«Screen moves to Llussion.»
«Box of hamsters *shaking*.»
Llussion: Hey guys?
«Box of hamsters' explodes.»
«Hamster stampede.»
Rolith: That's the third time this week. Finger. On. NOSE!
«Rolith, Yorumi and Llussion puts their finger on their noses except Zhoom.»
«Zhoom sighs.»
Zhoom: … I don't like them hamsters.
«Screen fades.»
«Screen goes blackout.»
Hero: I didn't believe Artix when he said that worked!
Daimyo: ARF!
«Scene fades»