Illusionist Musician
Oh, hey there! Here for the show? We're not ready to play yet, but if you've got a minute we could really use some help getting set up!
Some people say music is like magic; it paints a picture that makes you feel like you're living in someone else's dream. Is it like that for you, too?
After completing the 'Follow the Footprints' quest
Illusionist Musician
That escalated quickly, didn't it? Better go calm her down before someone gets hurt.
Some people say music is like magic; it paints a picture that makes you feel like you're living in someone else's dream. Is it like that for you, too?
After completing the 'Help Miranda' quest
Illusionist Musician
Some people say music is like magic; it paints a picture that makes you feel like you're living in someone else's dream. Is it like that for you, too?
Location: Forest of Dreams
Note: Also see Crystal Singer.
Thanks to Rsrdaman.
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