Cryostorm Tundra

Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
Frostval is the season of hope and joy, a celebration of light and life. Karok the Fallen is rampaging across Lore, hunting for the new Champion of Ice. Cryostorm is right in the way of their warpath!
- Behemoth x1
- Cryo Mammoth x4
- Glacial Elemental x12
- Glacial Wolf x8
Map Name: cryostorm
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join cryostorm
- Cryostorm War (Location)
- East of Screen 1
- 'Go Now' button from Abel (NPC)
- Frostval Map
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11

Thanks to Eldant and Harrison.
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