Creature Creation
Location: Chopping Maul
Level: 36
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 14,000
- Fist Slam: 256-314
- Toxic Breath: 256-314
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Creature Uncreated (Dropped during the 'GraveStop the Creature' quest)
- Ebil Limbs (Dropped during the 'Be Ebil' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Axe of Creation
- Axe of Ruin
- Black Coffee
- Brand Awareness Wall Decal
- Cafe Barrel I
- Cafe Barrel II
- Cafe Ceiling Light
- Cafe Cup Shelves
- Cafe Decorated Shelves
- Cafe Drink Bar
- Cafe Hanging Lights Cluster
- Cafe Hanging Lights Cluster II
- Cafe Hanging Lights Row
- Cafe Lantern I
- Cafe Menu
- Cafe Stool
- Cafe Stool For a Friend
- Cafe Table + Greenery
- Cafe Wall Bottles
- Cafe Wall Light I
- Cafe Wall Light II
- Cafe Wall Light Trio
- Cafe Wall TV
- Chopped Chopper Helm
- Creature Creation Essence
- Creature Shard
- Doomatter
- DoomCoin
- Dual Lich Bone Slicers
- Late Night Scarbucks Shop
- Lich Slayer
- Mauled Note
- Pot de Deux
- Scarbucks Cafe Shop
- Scarbucks Ground Logo
- Scarbucks Iconic Logo
- Scarbucks! The Name Logo
- Skull and Axe Armaments
- Snowy Scarbucks Shop
- Sword of Creation
- Sword of Ruin
- Table for Two... to Go
- Table for Two... to Stay
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Zorbak's Secret G-Rave Key
Note: Also see List of all Undead Monsters.
Thanks to Ace Shaft and Tendou no Mazo.
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