Coronation Day


«Scene: Darkon»

Alprecha: Congratulations. This is proof of your claim to the throne.

«Empress' Finger comes down»

Alprecha: The glow of my little star. A descendant of the child I created from a pound of the first King's flesh.

Darkon: What is in my blood?

Alprecha: The means by which you will return me and my brethren to our original form.

«Scene: White Screen»

«Scene: Black Screen with Kingdom of Astravia and eye on top»

The first King promised that in exchange for my blessings, he would put the Arcana back together.

«2 hands appear on top»

My blessings came in the form of spatial debris from my body, sewn into the soil of Astravia.

«Plants appear to the left and right of Astravia»

The farmers' seeds would absorb the onyx crystals with their roots. Nourished and strengthened, the crops will grow even if the Kingdom were set ablaze.

«Scene: 2 Astravian people with their palms out and food on top»

So too will the people grow in number if they no longer fear starvation. The King's subjects would flourish, and others would flock in the hopes of joining them.

«Food disappears»

Any mortal can become Astravian if they wish. By consuming Astravia's food, my debris seeps into their bodies.

«The Astravian people disappear»

They may die of natural circumstances, returning the crystals to the soil to start the cycle anew.

The soil grows new crops, feeds new mouths. Or-

«Scene: Darkon»

Alprecha: -any who are considered Astravian will be eligible to be used as a vessel by my brethren and I.
Alprecha: The first King referred to that state as 'being ready for harvest.'

«Camera focused on portal»

Alprecha: I imbued his descendants, my Beloved creations, with special debris linked directly to my core.
Alprecha: You know this blessing as "Alprecha' Beloved." It will protect you so you may work towards fulfilling the promise.

«Camera focused on Darkon»

Alprecha: To gather mortals, turn them into Astravians, and summon my brethren and I into their bodies.
Alprecha: Nothing in this life is free. Yours or mine. The Astravians are to repay us for filling their bellies.
Alprecha: And you, dear one, will be repaid by being able to reshape the Universe any way you desire.

«Camera focused on portal»

Alprecha: Should you succeed, time and space will bend to your will. If you wish, you may even remake the Universe's inhabitants.

«Camera focused on Darkon»

Darkon: That can't be possible! No one should have the ability to destroy and create like that!

«Zoomed out»

Alprecha: And no mortal has. The first King failed to find a way to summon Judgement without sacrificing his own life.
Alprecha: If there is no one alive named as my Beloved, the ritual can not continue. It must be re-attempted by the next Ruler.
Alprecha: I wonder if the first King died gazing at the stars hoping to find answers.

Darkon: No. I think he was searching desperately for you to beg forgiveness.
Darkon: I will apologize in his stead. We will never be able to complete the ritual.
Darkon: The people are not tools or fodder. They have the right to live long and happily.
Darkon: It's the royals who owe them, not the other way around.

«Camera focused on Darkon»

Alprecha: And you know that Astravia will no longer have my blessings?

Darkon: I do. A person from the outside taught me that as long as we stand together, we'll survive.

«Darkon closes eyes»

Darkon: Please forgive us for breaking our promise.

«Camera focused on portal»

Alprecha: I see.
Alprecha: And I understand.

«Camera focused on Darkon»

Darkon: Truly?!

«Camera focused on portal»

Alprecha: I can not force your hand. It is not within my power and I do not wish to do so, my child.
Alprecha: Perhaps, a new promise can be made. I may never be whole but Astravia could continue proper if you would-

«Camera slightly zooms out»

???: Enough with the sappy theatrics already!

«Zoomed out»

Drago: I've been listening in on you trampling around for hours, and it's still not over?

«Camera focuses on Drago»

Drago: Let's cut to the chase.

«Drago throws Suki's belonging on the ground»

Darkon: That's Suki's! What have you done to her!

«Camera focuses on Drago»

Drago: Oh you're so naive, you don't even know what blackmail is?
Drago: I got your fiance locked up in a cage, and I'll toss it in a vat of boiling tar if you don't give me the throne.

«Camera focuses on Darkon»

Darkon: You think the Astravians would accept you as King? Not only have you committed a grave crime, you've broken tradition.

«Scene: Black Screen»

Drago: So have you.
Drago: The civilians helped me catch Suki.

«Scene: Suki kneeled down»

When my spies heard you were about to abdicate, all I needed to do was tell the news to our subjects.

What immediately came to mind was the idea of you abandoning your people for an Outsider.

Sure, the Generals could wipe out legions on their own, but they'd never raise a finger against the 'innocent'.

«Aurola down»

I had a crowd of peasants holler for help in the streets, and the Outsider came running.

My soldiers ambushed them, and I got to stab Aurola in the eye myself, ha!

«Scene: Sad coffee shop workers»

Was there anyone that could have stopped me? Maybe, but they were too scared of being strung up by their neighbors.

«Scene: Darkon»

«Camera focuses on portal»

Alprecha: This is unprecedented…The first King told me of family.
Alprecha: Family should not fight like this.

«Camera focuses on Drago»

Drago: This coming from a freakish space lump? What a laughing riot!
Drago: Go on Darkon, convince great great grandmama to give me her blessing if you ever wanted to see Suki again.

Darkon: Please…Grand Star, do as he says.

«Camera focuses on Darkon»

Darkon: Please.

«Camera focuses on portal»


«Empress' Finger makes contact on Drago's head»

Drago: As it should be.
Drago: You thought you could abolish the monarchy without any fuss?

«Camera focuses on Drago»

Drago: I'm not masquerading as a saint like you. I don't care about being good, I just want to live rich.
Drago: And that won't last if I still have competition around.

«Scene: Suki»

Darkon: SUKI! NO, I'M-

«Drago slices Darkon and then Darkon tries to reach Suki's hand while both are on the floor»

Drago: So you can bleed! That confirms that I'm Alprecha's Beloved and King of Astravia.
Drago: Look at your matching cuts. Adorable! A perfect pair.
Drago: Perfect to be the first sacrifices.
Drago: This is goodbye, brother. I hope that wherever you go, you'll burn.

«Scene: White Screen»

Suki: Darkon? Is that you? You're safe. I'm glad. So glad…

«Zoom in on Darkon and Suki hugging each other»

Darkon: Stay with me! Just hold on!

Suki: This isn't your fault. The Astravians were tricked…

Darkon: Suki!

Suki: The sun is going to rise soon. You need to get up. Stand up for the people…
Suki: Darkon, I lov…

«Darkon closes eyes»

Darkon: No, I want to be here with you. I'll never leave you again!

«Darkon tears up»

Darkon: I don't want the morning to come.


«Darkon and Suki spin hugging and then Darkon disappears, leaving his outline»

Darkon: If only this moment could last forever.

«Scene fades»

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