Commander Rand's Quests

Jump to: Dage Recruit, Legacy House Gaurds, Dark War.


Quest Location: Dage Recruit
Quests Begun From: Commander Rand
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Why must the Archfiend surround himself with such annoying creatures! We must take out these Dark Makai if we are going to be getting anywhere!

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 26,000 Exp

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest.

If we can take down more of Nulgath's outposts, then that should give us an advantage in the battle to come.

Items Required:


  • 3,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp


Quest Location: Dark War Hub
Quests Begun From:



Slay a Legion Dreadmarch in /darkwarnation and a Void Fiend in /darkwarlegion to prove your worth once more to Dage the Evil and Nulgath the ArchFiend. You will be rewarded with house guards of your own! (This quest requires both the Dage and Nulgath 2022 birthday collection chests to unlock.)

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


Quest Location: Dark War - Legion
Quests Begun From: Commander Rand
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest.

Those Nation members all carry Badges showing their allegiance to Nulgath. Defeat them and bring their Badges as proof of their demise.

Items Required:


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp


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