Emmanciated Traveler?
You think I'm skeletal because I'm suffering from the famine? S-sure, let's go with that! I'm not here to make trouble. My… friends and I want this famine to be done with, just like the rest of you. We know the one spreading this dearth, and they'll try to trample me for interfering, but they're wasting resources. I have a letter with their name on it, and information that could help you stop them.
Are you familiar with the legends of the Four Horsemen of the Underworld? They're permanent fixtures in the realm of the dead- representations of forces that draw the living to their world. The titles never change, but the Rider does. A new batch was recently given their horses…if you consider a century or two to be recent. They serve a master, who is furious about time and resources being wasted on matters outside of destroying the Nation.
The creatures barring your path are attendants of the dark rider, Famine. Fear Gorta are his harbingers, and used to be warriors that kept the law and status quo from being disrupted. Then we have the bugs- which were bred to have voracious appetites that will never be satisfied, even when they're filled to the point of bursting. Both are intimidating, but Famine is still overshadowed by the flashier riders like Conquest.
- Letter
After completing the 'Keeper of the Scales' quest:
Emmanciated Traveler?
You've come to an understanding with the Dark Rider? That's incredible! I heard that the Trolls of Bloodtusk Ravine were scholarly, but that was an understatement. This worked out far better than I anticipated. I'm confident that Famine will uphold his end of your pact. As opposed to our shared master, ha, the Horsemen believe in the sanctity of their word. Ironically, I can see Famine giving you too many ingredients to work with.
Are you familiar with the legends of the Four Horsemen of the Underworld? They're permanent fixtures in the realm of the dead- representations of forces that draw the living to their world. The titles never change, but the Rider does. A new batch was recently given their horses…if you consider a century or two to be recent. They serve a master, who is furious about time and resources being wasted on matters outside of destroying the Nation.
The creatures barring your path are attendants of the dark rider, Famine. Fear Gorta are his harbingers, and used to be warriors that kept the law and status quo from being disrupted. Then we have the bugs- which were bred to have voracious appetites that will never be satisfied, even when they're filled to the point of bursting. Both are intimidating, but Famine is still overshadowed by the flashier riders like Conquest.
- Letter
Legion Commander
You should not be here yet… return to /fiendpast to see Dage's story begin.
- Fiend Past
After completing the 'Defeat Dage the Lich' quest:
Legion Commander
You said your former friend, Graython, resides in these caves? They seem to act as a spawning ground for Nugath's ground forces. Let's take out these neophyte Fiends before they become a problem and find this Graython before Nulgath recruits him to his cause.
You say that he would make a powerful ally in the war to come. I trust your judgment, however I fear what might happen if the Archfiend gets his claws on him. I know you said you have known him since before your contract with Nulgath…but much has changed since then. Be prepared for the worst, Master Dage
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Graython Located' quest:
Legion Commander
It appears that the Archfiend has gotten to Graython first. My apologies, Master, but our only course of action is to eliminate him here.
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Graython Located' quest:
Legion Commander
With Graython eliminated, that makes one less commander that Nulgath has in his army. These caves have mostly been cleared up as well. I will send in recruits to clear out the remaining Fiends while we move on to our next potential recruit.
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Go Now - Takes you to Screen 4
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest:
Legion Commander
We have gained some powerful allies today but Nulgath has already begun his assault. We have already lost some of our most powerful Undead allies. We can not afford to lose this war. We shall defeat Nulgath, no matter the cost!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
Legion Commander
These islands are said to be home to a creature naturally born from the Underworld itself, the Nuckelavee. It has no master… yet. We must track it down and bend it to your will. If we can do that, its power will be an immense help for the coming conflict.
The Nuckelavee
Any creature born from the Underworld already has incredible power. From my understanding, the Nuckelavee has been able to exist on these islands for centuries, undetected by anyone who would seek its power or its elimination, including the Archfiend. It is the perfect asset to add to your army.
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Place the Lure' quest:
Legion Commander
We have drawn it out! But we must be careful. This monstrosity has had centuries of freedom to grow its power to unseen levels. Though I do not doubt your capabilities, Master Dage!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Nuckelavee' quest:
Legion Commander
With the Nuckelavee in our possession, we can begin the process of integrating it into the Legion. Having a living piece of the Underworld on our side will be sure to turn the tides of this war!
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Go Now - Takes you to Screen 7
- Dage Recruit Merge
Legion Commander
It is said that this Nation outpost is run by Commander Smaras. From my understanding, he is an old acquaintance of yours from your time in the Nation? I suppose he would be more of a rival. Regardless, let us show him that you have become too strong for him to be considered your rival any longer, and take out a valuable Nation asset as well!
Smaras joined the Nation around the same time you did. He rose through the ranks, just as you did, and could have just as easily been the Archfiend's second in command if it weren't for you. I'm sure he hates your guts. And I'm also sure the feeling is mutual.
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Those Infernal Fiends' quest:
Legion Commander
With his forces depleted, all that remains is Smaras. Show him how much stronger you have become!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Smaras' quest:
Legion Commander
Smaras is gone and the outpost is ours! Now we just have one more important potential ally that we must visit.
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Go Now - Takes you to Screen 10
- Dage Recruit Merge
Legion Commander
This is the Yokai Realm, home to many various spirits. But we are here for a specific one, Hebimaru, the Serpent Shinigami. Out of the various forces of the Undead, Yokai are a type of spirit that Nulgath knows very little about and that makes them useful against him. And none are more “useful” than Hebimaru. He is a rogue Shinigami, know for his hyper lethal skills. We must recruit him to the Legion!
Yokai Spirits of Death. Usually they try to uphold the balances of life and death of the areas they govern, but not Hebimaru. Hebimaru eradicates all life he comes in contact with, indiscriminately.
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Last of the Defenses' quest:
Legion Commander
With all his defenses gone, Hebimaru has nowhere to run! Let's end this!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest:
Legion Commander
We have gained some powerful allies today but Nulgath has already begun his assault. We have already lost some of our most powerful Undead allies. We can not afford to lose this war. We shall defeat Nulgath, no matter the cost!
- Equip Armor - Ultimate Lich King (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Dage Recruit Merge
Legion Commander
Join the Undead Legion. Dage the Evil was the only one strong enough to break free of the Archfiend’s contract. With your strength and ours combined, we'll defeat Nulgath's Nation once and for all.
- To Battle!
- DarkWar Legion Merge
- Commander Rand's Quests
Before completing the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest:
Legion Commander
What are you doing here? You don't know enough to even BEGIN to choose your side… You must go back to be recruited.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Defeat Hebimaru' quest:
Legion Commander
No! I don't believe it! How could he lose?! We didn't LAST time? The Nation must have done us dirty. We need to regroup and prepare for next time. This isn't over! It will never be over!!!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- DarkWar Legion Merge
- War Chest (Locked)
After completing the 'ManSlayer? More Like ManSLAIN' quest:
Legion Commander
No! I don't believe it! How could he lose?! We didn't LAST time? The Nation must have done us dirty. We need to regroup and prepare for next time. This isn't over! It will never be over!!!
- Commander Rand's Quests
- DarkWar Legion Merge
- Legion War Chest