Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
Thank you for your help, Hero, we are so grateful!
During the 'The Nature of Chaos' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
You do NOT want to become Chaorrupted, Hero, so you must always take care when battling Chaos. It can be VERY painful if you are Chaorrupted unwillingly. The Chaorruption will creep through your veins like acid, a virus corrupting your humanity - your personality, will, and physical form.
After completing the 'A Little Chaos Goes a Long Way' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
Thank you for your help, Hero, we are so grateful!
You do NOT want to become Chaorrupted, Hero, so you must always take care when battling Chaos. It can be VERY painful if you are Chaorrupted unwillingly. The Chaorruption will creep through your veins like acid, a virus corrupting your humanity - your personality, will, and physical form.
Location: Cleric
- This NPC is named after Miele, a company that manufactures dishwashers along with other domestic appliances.
- Also see:

Thanks to Flitterifie.
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