Helpful Cleric and Guide
Welcome to the town of Battleon! We need a Hero like you to help us! Our land is filled with dangerous monsters and an army of undead skeletons is attacking the King! Will you go and save him?
- Visit the King: To Swordhaven!
- Battleon Assorted Shop
To find out all there is to know about battling, doing quests and your screen display, please visit Valencia in the Battleon town square. Please speak with my friend Dawn in Swordhaven for information about the commands you have at your disposal! I also have a quick list of these commands, but she can teach you how to use them!
- To Swordhaven
More Information
Game Commands and Player Emotes Guide
/join roomname
/w player
/r player
/goto player
/ignore player
/unignore player
/rest |
Join a new room
Report for harassment
Whisper to player
Reply to player
Go to other player
Ignore other player
Unignore other player
Heal after battle |
/wave |
/airguitar |
Daily Quests
The area surrounding Battleon is full of creatures which threaten the townspeople near here. Take the road to Stonehand and talk to Jiro. His quests will give you Realm Gems to buy the Realm Guardian armor set!
- Realm Gem Quests
- Reward Gem Shop
- Go to Niamara
The Masters in Battleon are looking for a few good Adventurers to train. The four Masters teach combat skills for: Warriors, Mages, Rogues and Healers. With their help, you will be able to raise your fighting skills to a whole new level! Find them in the Coliseum!
- Go to Trainers
After completing Robina's Quests and talking to King Alteon on Screen 5 and watching through the cutscenes in Swordhaven Castle - Undead:
Helpful Cleric and Guide
Continue your journey along your chosen path. King Alteon has extended his hand in truce to Sepulchure's daughter. Now you must go and see if you can help her in this time of need. Be careful, her undead wander the realm of Shadowfall!
- Visit the Empress: To Shadowfall!
- Battleon Assorted Shop
- Help
- Daily Quests
- Trainers
After completing the Prologue chapter of The Story:
Helpful Cleric and Guide
You have been of great service to Sepulchure's daughter already - can you be of more assistance to her? Travel back to Shadowfall to help the Empress, or begin the fight against Chaos by finding Chiral Valley on your map.
- Visit the Empress: To Shadowfall!
- Battleon Assorted Shop
- Help
- Daily Quests
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
To save bandwidth costs, we had to SLIGHTLY reduced the amount of lines and color in our art. We ARE SURE you won’t even notice!
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
Hello, hero! I am Cleric Joy of the Sisterhood of Dishpan Hands. We study purification magic in hopes of finding a way to heal Lore from the corruption of Chaos. Are you interesting in the restorative powers of magic, too?
Where to Now?
Before completing the '—-' quest:
Cleric Dawn, of the Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands, has sent me here to find a Hero like you to help us. Our land is filled with dangerous monsters and an army of undead skeletons is attacking Swordhaven Castle! Meet her at the portal if you're willing to help.
- Go To Cleric Dawn
After completing the '—-' quest:
If you're ever unsure what to do, just check your Book of Lore - that's the book icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Visit the Story page to play through Lore's story in order. You can also get to the story map from the button below.
- Battleon Assorted Shop
Helpful Cleric and Guide
Welcome to the town of Battleon! We need a Hero like you to help us! Our land is filled with dangerous monsters and an army of undead skeletons is attacking the King! Will you go and save him?
- Visit the King: To Swordhaven!
- Battleon Assorted Shop
To find out all there is to know about battling, doing quests and your screen display, please visit Valencia in the Battleon town square. Please speak with my friend Dawn in Swordhaven for information about the commands you have at your disposal! I also have a quick list of these commands, but she can teach you how to use them!
- To Swordhaven
More Information
Game Commands and Player Emotes Guide
/join roomname
/w player
/r player
/goto player
/ignore player
/unignore player
/rest |
Join a new room
Report for harassment
Whisper to player
Reply to player
Go to other player
Ignore other player
Unignore other player
Heal after battle |
/wave |
/airguitar |
Daily Quests
The area surrounding Battleon is full of creatures which threaten the townspeople near here. Take the road to Stonehand and talk to Jiro. His quests will give you Realm Gems to buy the Realm Guardian armor set!
- Realm Gem Quests
- Reward Gem Shop
- Go to Niamara
The Masters in Battleon are looking for a few good Adventurers to train. The four Masters teach combat skills for: Warriors, Mages, Rogues and Healers. With their help, you will be able to raise your fighting skills to a whole new level! Find them throughout the town of Battleon!
- Go to Trainers
After completing Robina's Quests and talking to King Alteon on Screen 5 and watching through the cutscenes in Swordhaven Castle - Undead:
Helpful Cleric and Guide
Continue your journey along your chosen path. King Alteon has extended his hand in truce to Sepulchure's daughter. Now you must go and see if you can help her in this time of need. Be careful, her undead wander the realm of Shadowfall!
- Visit the Empress: To Shadowfall!
- Battleon Assorted Shop
- Help
- Daily Quests
- Trainers
After completing the Prologue chapter of The Story:
Helpful Cleric and Guide
You have been of great service to Sepulchure's daughter already - can you be of more assistance to her? Travel back to Shadowfall to help the Empress, or begin the fight against Chaos by finding Chiral Valley on your map.
- Return to Shadowfall
- Battleon Assorted Shop
- Help
- Daily Quests
- Trainers
Welcome to the town of Battleon! Our land is filled with dangerous monsters and a great war is about to take place. Please tell me, what adventure brings you to Battleon?
- Start Your Journey
- Help
- Noobshire
- Training Hall
- Battleon Assorted Shop
After completing the Prologue chapter of The Story:
Thank you for saving our town, Hero! I have never seen anyone beat up a Princess before, the Dragon must be very grateful! You should go to the King in Swordhaven immediately. But be careful…an army of the undead is attacking!
- Visit The King: To Swordhaven!
- Help
- Noobshire
- Training Hall
- Battleon Assorted Shop
After completing the Invasion chapter of The Story:
The AGE OF CHAOS!? Who is this Drakath and how did he get so powerful? If everything you have told me is true, the next thing we should do is investigate the crash site of the undead Dragon Fortress. Perhaps Sepulchure's Daughter survived. To be continued…
- Replay Swordhaven
- Help
- Noobshire
- Training Hall
- Battleon Assorted Shop
After completing the Truce chapter of The Story:
You have been of great service to Sepulchure's daughter already - can you be of more assistance to her? Travel back to Shadowfall to take the next step on your journey.
- Battleon Assorted Shop
- Return to Shadowfall
To find out all there is to know about battling, doing quests and your screen display, please visit Valencia in the Battleon town square. Please speak with my friend Dawn in Swordhaven for information about the commands you have at your disposal! I also have a quick list of these commands, but she can teach you how to use them!
- Go to Swordhaven
More Info
Commands /join roomname /tell player /r player (reply) /goto /ignore player /unignore player /me action /rest /who Emotes /backflip /bow /cry /dance /dance2 /feign /jump /laugh or /lol /point /punt /rest /sleep /swordplay /unsheath /use /wave Note Reload if bad things happen… please let us know!
Rolith is currently asking for assistance at the Noobshire training grounds. He is in desperate need of a few good fighters who can help him protect the area from an Orcish invasion! Are you brave enough to help him evict these unwanted intruders once and for all?
- Go to Noobshire
The Masters in Battleon are looking for a few good Adventurers to train. There are four teachers, each a Master of their respective Art: Warrior, Mage, Rogue, and Healer. With their instruction, you will be able to raise your fighting skills to a whole new level. Under their tutelage, you will master new combat skills and earn the right to upgrade your equipment. If you think you've got what it takes, you should go meet them and see what it takes to prove yourself worthy.
- Go to Trainers
Princess Tara's Tutor
The dragon is attacking the Tower right now, and the beast has our Princess! We need to unlock the Tower before we can go save her. Click on the Quest button to search for the key to the Tower!
Our Princess?
Princess Tara loves animals, but not even SHE can control a beast like this! I do not even know how the dragon found her. One moment I was preparing medicines for Swordhaven's knights, and the next, she was gone!
- Cleric Joy's Quests
After completing the 'Key to the Tower' quest:
Princess Tara's Tutor
Hurry, you've got the key, now head into the castle and save our Princess!
After defeating the Dread Dragon:
Princess Tara's Tutor
Hurry, Hero! I don't think the Princess will be able to hang on much longer! Travel down this road and through the cave to get to Artix and Robina. They'll tell you where to go next!
After defeating Princess Tara:
Princess Tara's Tutor
Who would have thought the DRAGON needed saving from the PRINCESS?!
Princess Tara
Princess Tara loves animals, but not even SHE can control a beast like this! I do not even know how the dragon found her. One moment I was preparing medicines for Swordhaven's knights, and the next, she was gone!
Before completing the 'Defeat the Golem' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
Oh, hello! I wasn't expecting to see you here. Have you seen all of the Darkblood who are gathering nearby? I wonder why they're here? Maybe you should go find out.
- Find Out!
After completing the 'Defeat the Golem' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
We've been making some progress in the search for a cure for Chaorruption, and we might be able to alter the formula to target… well, whatever you want to call this stuff Kolyaban has been doing. But, it will require a lot more research. Let's get started!
- Cleric Joy's Quests
After completing the 'Get the Final Ingredients' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
The biology of these "reshapen" creatures is similar to that of the rift creatures, but it's not identical. It's as if they're at some sort of biological halfway point between the fauna of our world, and that of the rift. What we need is a way to kill off the Rift parts while healing the body's natural form. I think this potion should do the trick.
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
You will save our world, I am sure of it. If it is not destroyed first…
During the 'The Nature of Chaos' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
What IS Chaos, you might ask? That is a good question. We are not entirely sure, but the more we learn, the more we are sure that our purpose is a good one. Chaorruption causes creatures to act outside their natures. It twists them, makes them do things they wouldn't - whether those things are good, evil, or without reason. It must not be allowed to spread!
After completing the 'A Little Chaos Goes a Long Way' quest:
Sisterhood of the Dishpan Hands
You will save our world, I am sure of it. If it is not destroyed first…
What IS Chaos, you might ask? That is a good question. We are not entirely sure, but the more we learn, the more we are sure that our purpose is a good one. Chaorruption causes creatures to act outside their natures. It twists them, makes them do things they wouldn't - whether those things are good, evil, or without reason. It must not be allowed to spread!
Help? Great! I would love some….
Wait, what? Oh, you do not know how to play either. Hmmm, I am not sure. I think you click on the ground to move to that location. Do those little arrows indicate where the next room is?
Sisterhood of the Ill-Advised Romance
Yes, I know. I've heard it all a dozen times today at least. But what can I say? I guess opposites really do attract.
Sorry, I haven't seen him.
After completing the 'Pinky the Unicorn???' quest:
Uncertain Cleric
I'm waiting for Dawn. If that Undead Lord made me miss my picnic, I'll flood the underworld with soapsuds.