Cleric Dawn's Quests

Jump to: Portal, Cleric

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Cleric Dawn
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Enter The Gates' quest.



  • This quest is only available on Monday and Thursday.
  • This quest can only be done once per day.

Dwarfhold Mountains is the perfect place to hunt for gold! Unfortunately, it is currently overrun with Drow and Chaotic Draconians who steal everything from the imprisoned Dwarfs. The shiny, precious gold lodes happen to be the Chaotic Draconians' favorite. Find me one pristine Gold Lode and you will be rewarded handsomely for your troubles!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 50 Exp


Thanks to .Shadow//

Quest Location: Cleric
Quests Begun From: Cleric Dawn

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

If we are to ensure the health of the creatures of Lore, we need you to examine the purity of the elements. Journey to the /Lair to study the Dark and Golden Draconians, the Ruins of /Gilead for Elementals, the realm of /KingCoal for Ice Elementals, and the /Airstorm region of Etherstorm to see its Energy Tornado creatures.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

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