Field-Level 12 to 25
A rocky mountain path that is ruled over by the magic-loathing Grand Inquisitor.
- Belrot the Fiend x1
- Burning Witch x4
- Crusader x1
- Death's Head (Monster) x1
- Grand Inquisitor (Monster) (Level 25) x1
- Grizzly Bear x1
- Inquisitor Captain (Level 14) x1
- Inquisitor Guard (Level 12) x12
Map Name: citadel
Room Limit: 5
Access Points:
- /join citadel
- Arch Portal - Top Right of Screen 4
- Book of Lore
- CraggleRock - West of Screen 1
- Enchanted Nulgath Nation House - 'Guard?' button from Nulgath (NPC)
- Event Hub - 'Citadel' button
- Nulgath Nation House - Portal in Room 2
- Pastelia - West of Screen 1
- Pinewood Forest - North of Screen 2
- Pinewood Forest (Pink) - North of Screen 3
- Shadowfall - 'Citadel' button from Braeus
- Tercessuinotlim
- North of Screen 1
- 'To the Citadel' button
- Dwarfhold Map
- Crusader - Aggressive on passing the higher flight of stairs on Screen 22.
- Grand Inquisitor (Monster) - Aggressive on entering the pink circle on the ground on Screen 24.
- Grizzly Bear - Aggressive when passing through it.
- Inquisitor Captain - Aggressive when passing through it.
- Inquisitor Guard - Aggressive when passing through it on Screens 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 and 20.
- To get to Screen 7 (Portal) go through the middle door in Screen 3, then right in Screen 8, right in Screen 4 and right in Screen 6.
- Also see:
Thanks to Aeryn, C_G_M, kyla dragontamer, L0re, Neora5, Rare, Rsrdaman, SirBlackAxe, Strongo9, Tendou no Mazo, Tux47, Weena, wpack10, Yetimen1, .Shadow and XaosKoltron//
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