ChronoSpan Faction
Leader: Warlic
- AQ Lesson
- Deep Chaos
- Deep Portalspace
- DF Lesson
- MQ Lesson
- Portal War
- The Collector (Location)
- The Span
- Time Library
- Time Space
- Time Void
- Ultra Carnax (Location)
- UltraVoid
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- Bulbug's Quests
- Strut My Stuff: +600 Rep
- Strut My Stuff: +600 Rep
- Cysero's Orb's Quests
- Who Let The Tog's Out?: +1,750 Rep
- You Don't Want To Know: +1,000 Rep
- Who Let The Tog's Out?: +1,750 Rep
- Dr. Ai Pang's Quests
- Bolster the Elements: +1,500 Rep
- Maintain Elemental Strength: +1,750 Rep
- Drakonnan's Quests
- Get Fired Up… or Shatter!: +2,250 Rep
- Enemies on Ice: +2,500 Rep
- Tek-nical Forging Skill: +200 Rep
- Akriloth Assault: +2,750 Rep
- Iadoa's Quests
- Elemental Orb Awareness: +200 Rep
- Fight Chaos with Fire!: +3,500 Rep
- Save Aria: +3,750 Rep
- Find the Time to Travel: +4,000 Rep
- Dragon Egg… or Junk?: +4,250 Rep
- Dracolich Fortress Detected: +4,500 Rep
- Bone up on the Boss: +4,750 Rep
- Defend the Town!: +5,000 Rep
- ChickenCows, Bacon and Battle!: +5,250 Rep
- The 2nd Proto-Chaos Beast: +10,000 Rep
- Kairos' Quests
- Chrono Class Quest: +500 Rep
- Time to Battle On! (Daily): +1,500 Rep
- Time is running out…: +1,000 Rep
- Time never truly dies…: +350 Rep
- Chrono Class Quest: +500 Rep
- Malorie's Quests
- ChronoSpan Membership Dues: +15,000 Rep
- Mince's Quests
- Doing the 'do: +1,000 Rep
- Business is BOOMing: +1,000 Rep
- Moon Called's Quest
- Proto-Chaos Beast Battle!: +10,000 Rep
- Mysterious Johnson's Quests
- Mysterious!: +7,250 Rep
- Odessa's Quest
- Test Potential Traitors: +6,250 Rep
- Selina's Quest
- Secrets of the Universe: +7,000 Rep
- Starstorm's Quest
- The 3rd Proto-Chaos Beast: +10,000 Rep
- Tek's Quests
- Cogs and Gears: +1,000 Rep
- Flourishes and Furbelows: +1,500 Rep
- Target Practice: +1,000 Rep
- Uldor's Quests
- Construct Your Reality: +200 Rep
- Reach the Temple: +1,250 Rep
- Not All Hope is Lost: +200 Rep
- Night of 100 Ninjas: +10,000 Rep
- Warlic's Quests
- Temporal Translation Tome: +1,000 Rep
- Restore Tibattleonia!: +600 Rep
- Gen Ed Generator: +1,000 Rep
- Cull the Chaos Golems: +100 Rep
- Destroy the ShadowScythe Golems: +100 Rep
- Time to Learn the Truth: +200 Rep
- Gain Access to Doors: +300 Rep
- Adventures and Quests: +400 Rep
- A Fable of Dragons: +500 Rep
- Mechas and Quests: +600 Rep
- After the Chaos: +700 Rep
- Trust is Not Ephemeral: +750 Rep
- In a Split Exasecond: +800 Rep
- Time to Prove Yourself: +900 Rep
- Fill the Empty Hours: +950 Rep
- Clock of the Long Now: +200 Rep
- Unending Avatar: +1,000 Rep
- Rescue the Innocent: +2,000 Rep
- Board the Ship to Your Future: +200 Rep
- Heal the Chaos Lord: +6,000 Rep
- ShadowScythe Detection Beacons: +200 Rep
- Chaos Waits and Watches: +7,500 Rep
- The Lure of Chaosanity: +8,000 Rep
- Music of Nightmares: +200 Rep
- Chaos Beast Kathool: +20,000 Rep
- Starry, Starry Night: +9,000 Rep
- Chaos Lord Iadoa: +30,000 Rep
- Defeat Ultra Kathool: +10,000 Rep
- Defeat Ultra Iadoa: +15,000 Rep
- Worsh's Quests
- Defeat Training Globes: +6,500 Rep
- Take Flight into the Future: +6,750 Rep
Note: 'Chrono Seer' Character Page Title is unlocked at rank 10.
Faction Shop: The Span Rep Shop
Faction Items:
- Comfy Pillow - Rank 2
- Energy Scimitar Blade - Rank 2
- Ice Calibreaker - Rank 2
- Partisan Polearm - Rank 2
- Absolix Polearm - Rank 3
- Blade Knife - Rank 4
- Energy Reaper Scythe - Rank 4
- Reign Helm - Rank 4
- Reign Plate - Rank 4
- Shadow Mage (Armor) - Rank 4
- Shadow Rogue - Rank 4
- Shadow Warrior (Armor) - Rank 4
- BladeStorm - Rank 5
- Mystraven - Rank 5
- Runehawk - Rank 5
- Sage Armor - Rank 5
- Sage Eyewrap - Rank 5
- Seaweed Swirl Helm - Rank 5
- Vladic Knight's Blade - Rank 5
- Wolfblade - Rank 5
- Data Runner - Rank 6
- Data Runner Helmet (1) - Rank 6
- Data Runner Helmet (2) - Rank 6
- Pink Data Runner - Rank 6
- Pink Redemption Helmet (AC) (1) - Rank 6
- Rogue Lord Helm (1) - Rank 6
- Time Void Cape - Rank 6
- Vladic Knight Helm - Rank 6
- Bigger 100k - Rank 7
- Maurinelle's Melody - Rank 7
- Wolf Legend - Rank 7
- ChaosWeaver Defender - Rank 8
- Geoto Mace - Rank 8
- Glaive Of the Orb - Rank 8
- Vladic Knight - Rank 8
- Void Snake Daggers - Rank 8
- ChickenCow-l - Rank 9
- Beams of Celerita Wings - Rank 9
- Chrono Vanquisher - Rank 10
- Chrono Vanquishers Helmet - Rank 10
- Energy Saber - Rank 10
- Galaxy Bow - Rank 10
- Grid Armor - Rank 10
- Grid Helm with Tubes - Rank 10
- Grid Visor - Rank 10
- Grid's Soldiers' Helm - Rank 10
- Hood of the Vanquisher -Rank 10
- Nemesis Mace - Rank 10
- SDF Rebel - Rank 10
- SDF Rebel Helm - Rank 10
- Soul Banisher - Rank 10
- Soul Banisher Helm - Rank 10
- The Baconing Mace - Rank 10
- Thief of Hours (0 AC) - Rank 10
- Thief of Hours Armor - Rank 10
- Trident of Alignment - Rank 10
Thanks to Abalanar, Gbdf Aqw, HunterCurtis, ingomarelementary, rickyb20, ShadowWhisperer and Wild Bostero.
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