Chromafection (Monster)

Location: Chromafection (Location)
Level: 65
Difficulty: 5 stars
Total HP: 111,180
- Vortex: 162-192
- Toxin: 162-192
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Candy Dye (Dropped during the 'Color Farming' quest)
- Chroma Kill (Dropped during the 'Chroma CRASH' quest)
Items Dropped:
- A Ghostly Spirit
- Chromafection in Your House (L)
- Chromafection in Your House (R)
- Colorless Hungry Pumpkin Helm
- Colorless Pumpkin Armor
- Colorless Pumpkin Helm
- Colorless Pumpking Blade
- Colorless Pumpking Daggers
- Colorless Spirit Pet
- Chromafection Poster
- Dried Pumpkin Moglin
- Treasure Chest (Misc)

Thanks to boomboompowboyz and Catie.
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