Chopping Maul
Dungeon-Level 15 to 37
Adventure through the undead's favorite Chopping Maul and through the swamp to find Zorbak.
- Creature Creation x1
- Mana Blaster (2)
- Personal Chopper x8
- Shelleton (Level 35) x8
- Slimeskull (Level 35) x7
- Vending Machine x1
- Void Wrangler
Map Name: maul
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join maul
- Doomwood Forest - North of Screen 3
- Draco Con - South of Screen 1
- Lightguard Keep
- Necro Tower - South of Screen 1
- Shadowfall - 'Maul' button from Braeus
- Doomwood Map
Thanks to Holy MOD, Rookie2222, Seah Deng Xian, ShadowWhisperer, Shal, Syudanco, Tendou no Mazo and Xia.
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