
Level: 26
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 37,290
- Flying Kick: 198-242
- Peck: 198-242
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Box of Cyser-Os (Dropped during the 'Cyser-Os!' quest)
- Chickencow Egg (Dropped during the 'Fill'er Up' quest)
- Chickencow Head (Dropped during the 'Creepy Monkey Quest' quest)
- Chickencow Head (Dropped during the 'Creepy Undead Monkey Quest' quest)
- Chickencow Meat (Dropped during the 'If You Like Empanadas' quest)
- Chickencow Wings (Dropped during the 'Dinner for Two' quest)
- ChickenCow Wings (Dropped during the 'A Poultry Request' quest)
- Chicken War Medal (Dropped during the 'Chicken War Medal Quest' quest)
- Chick-N-Nuggets (Dropped during the 'A Poultry Request' quest)
- Cursed Claw Found (Dropped during the 'Recover Cursed ChickenCow Claw' quest)
- Flaming Feather (Used in the 'Flaming Feathers' quest)
- Heavy Cream (Dropped during the 'Creamy!' quest)
- Mega Chicken Medal (Dropped during the 'Chicken War Mega Medal Quest' quest)
- Rubber Ducky (Dropped during the 'Black Friday 2022 Badge' quest)
- Sammich (Dropped during the 'Twilly Supports You' quest)
- Smelly Freggment (Dropped during the 'Right Under Your Nose' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Cash Register
- Chickencow Drumstick
- Chickencow Drumsticks
- Diner Ad 1
- Diner Ad 2
- Diner Booth + Table
- Diner Cooler
- Diner Coolers
- Diner Jukebox
- Diner Radiator
- Diner Stool
- Diner Stools
- Diner Table
- Enchanted Rubber Chicken Mace
- Faux Leather Satchel
- Faux Leather Satchel Mace
- Golden Beater and Cowbell
- Golden CowBell
- Grumpy Grenwog Plush Mace
- Grumpy Grenwog Plush Pet
- Ice Cream Machine
- MOAR CowBell
- Ode to Joy Scythe (AC)
- RARE Helm
- Raw Rubber Chicken Mace
- Rubber Chicken Mace
- Squishy Mort Pillow
- Squishy Twig Pillow
- Squishy Twilly Pillow
- Squishy Zorbak Pillow
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Twilly the Chef
- Two Horned Hair
- Two Horned Locks
- Uncowed Hero
- Uncowed Hero Hoodie + Hair
- Uncowed Hero Hoodie + Locks
- Yulgar's 50's Inn
- Yulgar's Diner
- Also see:

Thanks to eddmario and Matheew.
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