Chaotic Lemurphant

Location: Bloodtusk War (Location)
Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,800
- Slash: 74-91
- Smash: 74-91
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bloodtusk Defender Totem
- Chaorrupted Eye
- Dropped during the following quests:
- Mega Bloodtusk Defender Totem
- Tainted Blood (Dropped during the 'Blood Calls to Blood' quest)
- Vials of Blood (Dropped during the 'Pure Chaos, Corrupted Blood' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Bones of The Mountain Victory Totem
- Broken Blades
- Chaos Gem
- Dropped during the following quests:
- Gold Victory Totem
- Iron Victory Totem
- Lemurphant Tears
- Master Strategist Victory Totem
- Savage Reaver
- Strategist Victory Totem
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Ultimate Strategist Victory Totem
- Has many different forms.
- Also see List of all Chaos Monsters.

Thanks to kaibinlore, Naruto_Uzumaki_Minato, rickyb20, Tendou no Mazo and World Mage2010.
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