ChaosWeaver Knight
Location: Ravenloss
Level: 33 30
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 11,191 11,507 9,359 9,360
- Slash: 105-125
- Stab: 105-125
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Blue and White Dye (Dropped during the 'Earning Your Stripes' quest)
- ChaosWeaver Destroyed (Dropped during the 'Pyromancer Domination', 'Mages Make Mashed Spiders', 'Warriors Against Spiderkin' and 'Arachnomancers Weave War' quests)
- Gilded Scroll (Dropped during the 'Rulers of the Chaos Weaver', quest)
- Golden Scroll (Dropped during the 'Legendary Heroes of the Chaos Weaver', quest)
- Martial Scroll (Dropped during the 'Weaver Tactics and Strategy', quest)
- Weaver Slain
Items Dropped:
- ChaosWeaver Eye
- Murk's Blade
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Weaver Knight Armed Cape
- Weaver Knight Back Blades
- Weaver Knight Back Spears
Note: Also see ChaosWeaver Warrior.

Thanks to GENGSTUPID, Saopaulino1999 and .Shadow//
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