Chaos Sp-Eye (1)

Level: 8
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 850
- Purple Beam: 27-33
- Sonic Wave: 27-33
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Chaos Eyeball (Dropped during the 'The Eye(s) of the Tiger' quest)
- Chaos Fragment (Dropped during the 'Chaos Fragments' quest)
- Chaos Interference Reduced (Dropped during the 'Interference' quest)
- Chaos Sp-eye Eyeball (Dropped during the 'Aye for an Aye' quest)
- Chaos Sp-Eye Poked (Dropped during the 'You'll Poke Your Eye Out')
- Chaos Sp-Eye Lore (Dropped during the 'Chaos Sp-Eyes' quest)
- Defender's Medal (Dropped during Mobius Part I and Mobius Part II)
- Eyeball Wings (Dropped during the 'Winged Spies' quest)
- Grain of Chaos (Dropped during the 'Grain of Chaos' quest)
- MEGA Defender's Medal (Dropped during Mobius Part I and Mobius Part II)
- Solaris Relic Fragment (Dropped during the 'Shattered Past' quest)
- Sp-Eye Blinded (Dropped during the 'Mage Mystery' quest)
- Sp-Eye-ce Cream (Dropped during the 'Spy-ce Cream in Mobius' quest)
- War Prize! (Dropped during Mobius Part II)
- War Prize!
- Dropped during the following quests:
Items Dropped:
- Chaorrupted Essence
(Dropped during the 'Legion Exercise Number 3' quest)
- Chaos Spy-eye Wings
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Also see:

Thanks to Arcadian Knight, Cahyo kurosaki, Gengstupid, ingomarelementary, MasterLightMage, Ness860, rickyb20, SpeasHarvey, Syoria, Valcrist, Zero IX and .Shadow//.
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