- 'Discordia' button in Screen 1 - Orkestra
- Book of Lore
- Map of Lore - Mythsong
«Scene: Don Giovanni is seen burning a scroll»
«Scene zooms out to show the Hero and Don Giovanni»
Don Giovanni: That's it, I'm free.
Hero: Free to continue leading the life of a scoundrel, you mean?
Don Giovanni: "scoundrel?"
Hero: Do you like ne'er-do-well better? Scallywag? Plain old jerk?
Don Giovanni: Ok, ok. Scoundrel is fine. And no, I'm done with that life.
Don Giovanni: Faust nearly tricked me with that contract. He really would have dragged me to the underworld. It was too close.
Hero: If you say so. So now that you're free of Faust's contract it's time to tell me what you know about Chaos Lord Discordia.
Don Giovanni: I probably know more than anyone else, but it's still not very much.
«Screen fades»
«Scene: A shadow of a man waving a conductor's baton»
Don Giovanni: From what I've heard, Discordia is a brilliant musician.
Don Giovanni: He was working on the ultimate song, that would win over the heart of anyone who heard it.
«Scene: Drakath appears»
Don Giovanni: Drakath appeared and offered Discordia a powerful short cut.
Don Giovanni: Discodia accepted.
«Scene: Drakath infects Discordia with Chaos»
Don Giovanni: Now he can use his music, to not just win over hearts and minds, but CONTROL them!
«Scene: Music being heard by people and being brainwashed by Discordia»
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Returns back to the Hero and Don Giovanni»
Don Giovanni: I've also heard there is a way to break his control… but I don't know what it is. That is all I know.
Hero: If Discordia is moving now then it must have something to do with Lorestockapalooza! Thanks Don Giovanni!
«Scene fades»
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