Chaos Librarium
- N/A
Map Name: chaoslibrarium
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join chaoslibrarium
- Back Room - South of Screen 1
- Crownsreach - Go through the far left door on Screen 7
Note: Having Lore Scrolls in your inventory which drop from Loremaster Anka's Quests will provide entries to that respective scroll on the right shelf.
Lorepedia Entries
- Chaonslaught Casters
- Chaonslaught Warriors
- Chaos Crystals
- Chaos Lycan
- Chaos Sp-Eye
- Chaos Sprites
- Chaos Vampire Knight
- Chaotic Chinchillizards
- Chaotic Koalions
- Extrikitis
- Plague Spreaders
- Poisonous Darkblood
- Ravenous Parasites
- Seed Stalkers
- Spiderwings
- Tentacled Darkblood
- Toxic Bile
- Violet Slime

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