Chaos Fluffy

Location: Dragon Town
Level: 40
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 54,120
- Dark Breath: 251-282
- Uppercut: 251-282
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dracolich Slain (Dropped during the 'DragonSlayer General Class' quest)
- Dragon Slayer War Medal
- Mega Dragon Slayer War Medal x2
- Time Traveled Sword (Dropped during the 'It Takes a Special Brand of Glory' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Deluge Dracolich Armor
- Deluge Dracolich Helm
- Dracolich Wings
- Dracosaster
- Dracotastrophe
- Inferno Dracolich Armor
- Inferno Dracolich Helm
- Tiny Chaos Fluffy Pet
- Tiny Inferno Dracolich Pet
- Treasure Chest (Misc)

Thanks to moglin_Bank123.
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